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Workshop "Balancing competition protection and competitiveness promotion"

Мероприятие завершено

With the goal to support economic development, measures of competition protection and competitiveness promotion policies might complement or contradict to each other. Finding a balance between them is not a trivial task, especially in the period of deglobalization.
Laboratory of Competition and Antimonopoly Policy will hold the workshop "Balancing competition protection and competitiveness promotion" featuring submissions related to issues of competition protection policy and competitiveness promotion policy implementation and enforcement.

Time Schedule

12:00  — 12:30

Eduardo Ribeiro and Svetlana Golovanova. Estimation of efficiency effects in antitrust investigations: the world practice.

12:30 — 1:30

Veronika Khlyupina. Estimation of the Indirect Network Effect: on the Example of Television Advertising.

Svetlana Bovt. Russian digital markets structure: impact of public interventions and 2022 sanctions.

Sophia Zayac. New Guidelines for Digital Platform Competition Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Current Legislation and Proposed Regulations in Russia, the United States, China, and the European Union.

Alica Miletskaya. Political economy of new competition legislation on digital platforms: survey of the literature.

1:30 — 1:45 short break

1:45 — 3:00

Alena Timofeeva. Digital advertising: cross-country comparisons. 

Anna Golovanova. The effects of sanctions on streaming platforms in Russia in 2022. 

German Lopatin. Modelling of bias in business analytics by digital platforms.

Vladislav Chesnokov. The Effects of Choice of Digital Advertising Channels: The Case of Social Networks and Search Engines.

Andrey Ovchinnikov. Assessment of the prospects of import substitution in the production of plastic components for the automotive industry in Russia.

Program_Workshop 14 (PDF, 365 Кб) 


Prof. Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). 

Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro is a Professor of Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and co-Coordinator of the Research Group on Competition, Law and Economics (GDEC-IE). He served as a Deputy Chief Economist, Chief Economist and then a Commissioner at the CADE Tribunal (Administrative Council for Economic Defense), The Brazilian Competition Authority from 2009 to 2014. The areas of expertise are Competition Policy, Applied Microeconometrics, and Labor Markets. Author of more than 50 papers in refereed journals, more than 30 book chapters.