A small talk with the Professor Zweynert
Joachim Zweynert, Professor of Political Economy at Witten/Herdecke University presented his new book«When Ideas Fail: Economic Thought, the Failure of Transition and the Rise of Institutional Instability in Post-Soviet Russia» at the joint meeting of the Political Science Departmental Seminar Series and IIMS seminar on September 28, 2018. After the seminar we asked Professor Zweynert a few questions about the origins of his research interest in the history of Russian economic thought.
New paper
The article "Transaction Costs in the Public Procurement in Russia: Macrolevel Assessment Based on Microdata" prepared by IIMS team members - Andrei Yakovlev, Andrey Tkachenko and Yulia Rodionova was published in the third issue of the Journal of Institutional Studies for 2018. Besides, among the authors Professor of the School of Business Administration (HSE) – Olga Balaeva.
New publications
Two papers on public procurement prepared by IIMS research fellows were published this week: "Russian system of public procurement: the law is changing, the issues remain" and "Organizational Forms and "Incentives in Public Procurement: Natural Experiment at a Large Public Sector Organization in Russia" were published in the International Journal of Public Procurement".
New publication on public procurement
A paper by Andrei Yakovlev, Olga Balaeva and Andrey Tkachenko entitled "Estimation of procurement costs incurred by public customers: a case study of a Russian region" was published in the Journal of Public Procurement. This paper shows how procurement costs can be calculated using a formalized survey of public customers. This methodology was tested with a representative group of public customers operating in one region of the Russian Federation.
A new article on public-private partnerships in VET
A paper by ICSID leading research fellow Thomas Remington entitled «Public-Private Partnerships in TVET: Adapting the Dual System in the United States» was accepted for publication in the Journal of Vocational Education & Training (Q2).
Board Empowerment: What Motivates Board Members of Founder-Owned Companies?
An article by IIMS research fellows Alexander Libman, Tatiana Dolgopyatova and Andrei Yakovlev “Board Empowerment: What Motivates Board Members of Founder-Owned Companies?” was published online in the leading management journal “Journal of Management Inquiry” on March 13, 2018.
Economics of European Crises and Emerging Markets
IIMS Director Andrei Yakovlev contributed a chapter titled «Political Response to the Crisis: The Case of Russia» to a new book by Palgrave Macmillan «Economics of European Crises and Emerging Markets». The chapter was co-authored with Natalia Akindinova, Andrey Chernyavsky and Nikolay Kondrashov.
New Publication
An article by Ekaterina Borisova and Denis Ivanov, ICSID Research Fellows, titled "Social capital and support for the welfare state in Russia" was published online in “Post-Soviet Affairs” journal on July 9, 2017 (co-authored by Andrei Govorun).
Book Talk with Professor Timothy Frye
ICSID Academic supervisor and leading research fellow Timothy Frye introduced his new book “Property Rights and Property Wrongs: How Power, Institutions, and Norms Shape Economic Conflict in Russia” in Marriott Grand Hotel (Moscow) on June 15, 2017.
New publications
A special issue of Economic Systems journal came out in March, 2017, and included articles written by the IIMS researchers.