Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
To use individual sponsorship to promote outstandingly qualified researchers and future leaders from science-related fields with the aim of creating a world-spanning collaborative network of excellence – this is the mission of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The resulting Humboldt Network connects performance elites worldwide both with one another and with Germany. It thus reinforces the internationalisation of the German academic and research landscape as well German foreign cultural and educational policy beyond the scope of scientific cooperation. Fostering the Humboldt Network – initiating, strengthening and extending academic contacts between sponsorship recipients and German colleagues as well as amongst Humboldtians across the globe – pursues the following strategic goals:
- To forge collaborative academic relations in order to connect Germany within a globalised world
Sponsorship recipients take the experiences they gain during their stay in Germany home with them, which has an impact that radiates well beyond academia: from academic collaborations to dialogue on the rule of law. In Germany, too, permanently based Humboldtians contribute their experience and international connections to collaborations. - To contribute to enhancing understanding between cultures and countries
The Foundation’s work is never just about research. The learning communities of German and international knowledge elites continue to make an impact, not least because Humboldtians often hold key positions in areas of society other than academia. - To promote sustainable development in economically weaker states in the interests of a peaceful world
Humboldtians from developing countries and emerging economies transfer their development-related research experience and new ideas to their own countries. In their role as teachers they pass on these ideas to many others who can then help to develop a competitive economy, resource-friendly policies and a peaceful society built on scientific foundations. - To reinforce internationalisation in the research location, Germany
Thanks to its reputation and its funding tools that are tailored to a narrow band of excellence, the Foundation makes Germany an attractive destination for the best researchers from abroad – whether for a fixed-term stay or permanent relocation. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s network connects German research institutes to academic centres of excellence abroad, enhancing the competitiveness of German research as well as its international visibility.
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