Cеминар «Оценка вероятности ограничивающих конкуренцию эффектов слияния: тесты UPP, GUPPI»
Лаборатория конкурентной и антимонопольной политики проведет семинар по теме «Evaluation of the probability of competition restriction effects of the merger: UPP and GUPPI test».
Докладчик: Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Семинар состоится 8 апреля 2019 г. в 11.00 по адресу: Здание НИУ ВШЭ на Шаболовке 26/4, аудитория 4336.
Программное обеспечение: Stata
Язык семинара: английский
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Аннотация: Mergers and Acquisitions have the potential to generate negative competition effects, as the markets become more concentrated and consumer alternatives are controlled by the same firm. In the last decade there has been the popularization of price increase indicators as a practical tool to infer possible negative effects from mergers in developed and developing countries.
The seminar has three goals:
- to provide an overview of the economic background that motivate the indicators, clarifying their interpretation, scope and limitations;
- to highlight the differences and similarities to standard concentration indices in merger analysis;
- and to describe the developments of the basic indicators from horizontal takeovers to different types of mergers (partial acquisitions, vertical mergers, two sided markets and coordinated effects).