January 31-February 1, 2014
Boris Kuznetsov and Victoria Golikova visited research center BREUGEL (, which headed the EFIGE consortium and is responsible for managing EFIGE dataset. Negotiations on possible cooperation schemes with representatives of several consortium members took place. In addition the Russian team discussed different methodological issues concerning the conduction of the survey.
February 2014
RuFIGE project was approved by the Basic research program
March 19 2014
The official announcement of the tender for conducting field work for the project was published on the official state procurement website
April 17, 2014
The tender procedure was concluded. GFK-Rus was selected as a winner.
May 5, 2014
The pilot survey of 60 plants in 3 regions has been launched
May 25, 2014
Contract between the HSE and GFK-Rus was signed. The pilot survey of 60 firms in three regions was launched
July 4, 2014
The Project team completed the adjustment of the questionnaire, following the results of the pilot survey. The survey company GFK launched the full-scale survey of 2000 manufacturing firms.
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