The survey questionnaire
The core part of RuFIGE questionnaire is comprised of EFIGE questionnaire (file). The questionnaire of submitted to the top managers of 2,000 Russian manufacturing firms during the face-to-face interviews conducted by professional marketing company GFK-Rus. The core questionnaire covers six broad areas, including structure of the firms, workforce, investment, technological innovation, trade and internationalization, market structure and competition, financial structure and pricing policies.
In addition to the core questionnaire the instrument contains questions from the previous surveys conducted by HSE in 2005 and 2009, which make it possible to compare competitiveness, productivity and other firm performance indicators between the years of 2005 and 2014. In the time of writing the pilot survey has been carried out. As a result we expect the final questionnaire to be corrected and adjusted to the results of the pilot survey in July 2014.
As the survey will be run since August 2014, information will be collected as a cross-section for the last available budget (year 2013), although several questions cover the period 2011-2013 and/or the behaviour of firms during the 2014 crisis.
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