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В электронной версии журнала "Post-Communist Economies" опубликована статья ведущих научных сотрудников Института анализа предприятий и рынков, Голиковой Виктории Владимировны и Кузнецова Бориса Викторовича – «Trajectories of Russian manufacturing firms’ growth after the global financial crisis of 2008–2009: the role of restructuring efforts and regional institutional environment».

Статья была подготовлена в рамках научно-исследовательского проекта "Влияние моделей поведения и стратегий промышленных предприятий в предкризисный период на их устойчивость к внешним шокам и динамику посткризисного развития", поддержанного грантом РГНФ (Российский гуманитарный научный фонд) в 2014-2015 гг.

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Аннотация:The aim of this article is to conduct an empirical investigation and reveal which types of modernisation strategies and characteristics of regional institutional environment are likely to be associated with patterns of the performance of Russian manufacturing firms in 2007–2012. In addition to estimating the impact of ex-ante behavior on the rate of sales growth, we use hierarchical cluster analysis to reveal the typical trajectories of firms’ sales growth. We find that the dynamic of sales for more than 90% of firms can be described by just two types of performance curve: (a) crisis decline with recovery and growth; and (b) crisis decline with weak recovery and stagnation. Firms that invested more prior to the crisis and implemented active restructuring were more likely to have positive post-crisis dynamics of sales. We find evidence that firms in the regions with lower levels of corruption (both administrative and everyday) were more likely to recover successfully after the crisis.