Новая статья в Europe-Asia Studies
Статью Александра Либмана и Андрея Яковлева «A Centralist Approach to Regional Development: The Case of the Russian Ministry for the Development of the Far East» опубликовали онлайн в журнале Europe-Asia Studies.
Аннотация статьи: Since 2012, with a view to strengthen the development of strategically important regions, Russia has established several federal agencies responsible for these territories. The essay investigates one of these agencies: the Ministry for the Development of the Far East (Ministerstvo Rossiiskoi Federatsii po razvitiyu Dal’nego Vostoka). We identify two main trade-offs associated with the governance approach used in Russia—between federal power and local knowledge, and between bureaucratic expertise and novel ideas—and examine how the ministry has dealt with these trade-offs and their consequences for the ministry’s performance.
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Либман Александр
Международный центр изучения институтов и развития: Ассоциированный исследователь
Яковлев Андрей Александрович
Международный центр изучения институтов и развития: Директор