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Семинар по разнообразию и развитию Крис Берри "Leadership or Luck? Randomization Inference for Leader Effects"

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С докладом Leadership or Luck? Randomization Inference for Leader Effectsвыступит Крис Берри, профессор Университета Чикаго.

Семинар состоится 31 мая 2018г.в 17:00 по адресу: Здание НИУ ВШЭ на Шаболовке 26/4, аудитория 5309.

Рабочий язык: английский

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Аннотация доклада: Anecdotal evidence suggests that some political leaders are more effective than others, causing better outcomes for their citizens. However, observed differences in outcomes between leaders could be attributable to chance variation. To solve this inferential problem, we develop RIFLE, a quantitative test of leader effects. RIFLE allows researchers to test a null hypothesis of no leader effect and also estimate the proportion of variation in an outcome variable attributable to leaders vs. other factors, and it provides more statistical power and more reliable inferences than other strategies. To demonstrate the substantive value of RIFLE, we implement it for world leaders, U.S. governors, and U.S. mayors and for several outcomes. RIFLE can be applied to virtually any setting with leaders and an objective outcome of interest, so its continued application should improve our understanding of where, when, and why leaders matter.


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