Участие в конференциях
VIII Конференция студентов и молодых ученых «Альянс социальных наук» С. Уткин "Социальные науки в эпоху стремительной цифровизации: вызовы и возможности"
II Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция с международным участием «Естественно-научные и гуманитарные проблемы устойчивого развития»
Б. Павленко «Оценка зависимости между модулярностью сети социальных связей жителей регионов России и заболеваемостью социально значимыми заболеваниями и COVID-19»
2nd Conference “New Advances in the Political Economy of Development in Eurasia”, June 6-9th 2024.
Kazun A. "Perceptions Matter: Probing Public Support for Artificial Intelligence Development in Russia"
Rodionova Y. “Public Procurement Efficiency and Enforcement: Evidence from Kazakhstan and Russia”
Belov M. “The Effect of Economic Status on Sentence Severity in Car Accidents: Quantitative Analysis of Court Decisions in Criminal Cases in Russia”
1. 1st Conference "New Advances in the Political Economy of Development in Eurasia" and the Nazarbayev University - EACES Workshop
Pavlenko B., “Social Network Structure and Covid-Related Preferences”
Kazun A., Agalyan A., “Navigating Property Rights Protection in Uncertain Times”
Ivanov D., “Does Middle Class Promote Civic Activism? Individual and Group Level Effects of the Middle Class in an Autocracy”
Zhuchkova S., Kazun A., “Exploring Gender Bias in Homicide Sentencing: An Empirical Study of Russian Court Decisions Using Text Mining”
Koncha V., “The Effect of Inequality and Polarization on Democratic Stability”
2. Silvaplana Political Economy
Ivanov D., Libman A., Zakharov A., "Does Middle Class Promote Civic Activism? Individual and Group Level Effects of the Middle Class"
3. Школа-конференция «Анализ данных, сети и аппроксимация» («Сириус», Сочи)
Павленко Б. “Network fragmentation and beliefs about COVID-19 in Russian towns”
4. Международная Грушинская социологическая конференция
Казун А. «Взгляд малого бизнеса на стратегии адаптации к санкциям: результаты опросного эксперимента»
5. XXI Международная конференция молодых учёных «Векторы»
Кондратьев С. «Многообразие языков политики: интерпретирующий подход к изучению политических текстов»
6. XXIV Ясинская (Апрельская) международная научная конференция
Ваксина К. «Российские медики в период пандемии Covid-19: факторы коллективных действий»
1. Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting
Szakonyi D. “Hidden earnings in an authoritarian parliament: Evidence from Russia”
2. XXI Annual Conference of the Cycle «Leontief Readings» “30 Years After Socialism: The Political Economy of Russian Evolution”
Yakovlev A. "Competition of capitalism models: projection on Russia"
3. Онлайн-семинар Института исследования Восточной и Юго-Восточной Европы им. Лейбница (IOS Regensburg)
Ivanov D. “Soviet shadow economy and Post-Soviet Political Preferences: Evidence from Georgia”
4. Contemporary Varieties of Capitalism: cutting-edge debates and recent tendencies in the East-Central and Eastern European region
Yakovlev A. "Evolution of State- Business Relations in Post-Soviet Russia"
5. Seminar of the Laboratory of Mathematical Economics of CEMI RAS
Yakovlev A. "Where is global capitalism going?"
6. European Political Science Association Conference
Buckley N. "A Watched Pot Boiling: Protest Sentiment and Street Action in Authoritarian Russia"
7. European Political Science Association Conference
Borisova E. “Preferences for Redistribution"
8. 3rd Ariel conference on the political economy of public policy
Ivanov D. "Public Reaction on Trade Sanctions in a Democratic Context: Evidence from Moldovan Wine Embargo"
9. APSA 2022 Annual Meeting
Buckley N. "Bad Eggs or Bad Apples?: Corruption Arrests and Public Opinion in Russia"
10. 2022 ASEEES Conference
Buckley N. " Bad Eggs or Bad Apples?: Corruption Arrests and Public Opinion in Russia"
1. MPSA Conference. 14 April, 2021
Ivanov D. "Public Reaction on Trade Sanctions in a Democratic Context: Evidence from Moldovan Wine Embargo"
2. European Public Choice Society 2021 Conference. 21 April, 2021
Borisova E. “Agricultural origins of gender norms”
Levina I. “Is rule-following good or bad for economic growth?”
3. Круглый стол «Пандемия коронавируса в России: институциональный аспект» в рамках «Апрельской конференции». 29 April, 2021
Казун А. "Пандемия COVID-19 и конспирология"
Borisova E., Zabolotskiy V., Schoors K., Frye T. "Regulation and Distrust during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Russia"
Ivanov D. "Опыт в пандемию, запрос на патернализм и изоляционизм"
Chmel K., Marques I. "Социальная политика в эпоху пандемии: кто пострадал и кто нуждается в государственной поддержке сегодня?"
Borisova E., Syunaev G. "Factors of vaccine acceptance and hesitancy in Russia"
4. APSA 2021 Annual Meeting. 02 October, 2021
Buckley N. “Public Opinion Under Autocracy"
5. 2021 ASEEES Conference. 18 November - 02 December, 2021
Borisova E. “The Popular Logic of Authoritarian Policymaking: Blame and Attribution in Russia”
Ivanov D., Zakharov A. “Paternalism, Fake News, and Support for Censorship in the Context of COVID-19”
Marques I. “The Popular Logic of Authoritarian Policymaking: Blame and Attribution in Russia”
Reuter J. “The Demand for Democracy: How Voters React to the Cancellation of Local Elections in Russia”
Szakonyi D. “Straining Credibility: Popular Opinion and Political Choice under Autocracy”
Buckley N. “A Watched Pot Boiling: Protest Sentiment and Street Action in Authoritarian Russia”
Garifullina G. “Promotion and Ambition in Authoritarian Bureaucracy: Incentives for Innovation and Change at Subnational Level”
6. XVI международная Конференция УрФУ «Российские регионы в фокусе перемен»
Яковлев А. «Реакция бизнеса на новые вызовы развития: кейсы регионов»
7. SVOC Conference, Budapest
Яковлев А. «Why not fair electoral results but performance in the office is more important for the re-election of regional governors in Russia?»
1. The BRI Forum on Global Cooperation of Public Health and SMEs Innovation & Development. 26 November, 2020
Yakovlev A. "The response of Russian Firms to the Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis – the cases of IT and tourism" (key-note lecture)
2. 2020 ASEEES Virtual Convention. 5-8 November, 14-15 November, 2020
Borisova E., Marques I., Smyth R., Zakharov A. “Who Supports the Housing Renovation Program?”
Garifullina G. “Private-public Partnership in Russian Municipalities: Which Mayors Risk More?”
Buckley N. “Tried in the Court of Public Opinion: Arrests of Russian Officials and Authoritarian Regime Approval”
Marques I., Borisova E., Smyth R., Zakharov A. “The Popular Logic of Authoritarian Policymaking: Blame and Attribution in Russia”
Reuter O.J. “Staying out of Trouble: Criminal Cases against Russian Mayors”
Yakovlev A. “Two Decades of Russia’s Economic Policies: 2000-2020” (roundtable)
3. WAPOR 73rd Annual Conference. 6-10 October, 2020
Казун А, Казун А. "Global News Flow in G-20: Economic and Political Factors of Media Attention"
4. APSA 2020 Annual Meeting. 9-13 September, 2020
Borisova E., Marques I. “The Popular Logic of Authoritarian Policy making: Blame and Attribution in Russia”
Syunyaev G. “Public Attribution of Responsibility in Autocracies: Evidence from Russia”
Yakovlev A., Remington T. “Career Management Strategies for Regional Executives in Russia and China”
5. EEA 2020 Congress. 24-28 August, 2020
Zabolotskiy V., Borisova E. "The Agricultural Origins of Gender Norms"
6. Workshop of RUSECOPOL project, Oslo, Norway. 21 January, 2020
Yakovlev A. "The Ruling Elite in the Face of External Pressure and Lost Vision for the Future"
7. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, San Juan, Puerto Ricko. 9-11 January, 2020
Szakonyi D. "Miami Vice: The effect of anti-corruption campaigns on money laundering"
Buckley N. "Responsiveness of public opinion to economic performance under authoritarianism"
1. SIDE-ISLE 2019 - 15th Annual Conference, Milan, Italy. 19-21 December, 2019
Kazun A. "Management of Violence: Effect of Regional Authorities on Corporate Raiding in Russia"
2. ASEEES Annual Convention, San Francisco, USA. 23-26 November, 2019
Marques I. "Past Experiences and Current Preferences for Redistribution: Evidence from The Moscow Housing Renovation Project"
Zadorian A. "How ‘rentier' was Russian social policy during the commodity price boom?"
Borisova E. "The Popular Logic of Authoritarian Policymaking: Evidence from Housing Renovations in Russia"
Yakovlev A. "Performance Incentives for Regional Officials: Russia and China since 2012"
3. The third Ghent Russia colloquium, Ghent, Belgium. 4 November, 2019
Buckley N. “Responsiveness of Public Opinion to Economic Performance under Authoritarian State Capitalism”
Remington T. “Elite Rent-Sharing and Income Inequality in the United States, Russia and China"
4. ICSID joint workshop «Quality of Governance and the Legacy of Socialism», Bremen, Germany. 25-26 October, 2019
Yakovlev A. participated as a workshop moderator
Reuter O. J. "Civic Duty and Voting under Autocracy"
Ivanov D. "Public Reaction on Trade Sanctions in a Democratic Context: Evidence from Moldovan Wine Embargo"
Levina I. "Is Rule Following Good or Bad for Economic Growth?"
Zadorian A. "Stolichnaya praktika: Housing Renovation and Center-Periphery Relationships with the Russian Regions "
Szakonyi D. "Candidate Filtering: The Strategic Use of Electoral Fraud in Russia"
Borisova E. "Social Capital and Housing Renovations Program in Russia"
Buckley N. "Authoritarian-Proofing Measurement of Public Opinion: Russian Attitudes and Search Engine Data"
Remington T. “Elite Rent-Sharing and Income Inequality in the United States, Russia and China"
Yakovlev A., Ershova N., Uvarova O. "What kind of firms get government support? The analysis of changes after 2014-2015 crisis"
5. Санкт-Петербургская международная конференция по неравенству и разнообразию, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. 21-22 Октября, 2019
Ivanov D. "Dimensions of Inequality in Cross-Cultural Research"
6. Форум городского и регионального развития, Пермь, Россия. 17-18 Октября, 2019
Ivanov D. participated as an invited expert
7. 2019 APSA Annual Meeting, Washington, USA. August 29-September 1, 2019
Szakonyi D. “Electoral Manipulation and Regime Support: Survey Evidence from Russia”
Silvaplana Workshop on Political Economy 2019, Switzerland, Pontresina. July 21-25, 2019
Borisova E. "Generalized trust, preferences for redistribution and institutions"
8. IAMCR 2019: Communication, Technology and Human Dignity: Disputed Rights, Contested Truths. Madrid, Spain. July 7-11, 2019
Kazun A. "Global News Flow in G-20: Attention to Countries vs Attention to Leaders"
9. 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics (SIOE). Stockholm, Sweden. June 27-29, 2019
Yakovlev A. "Political Connections and Investment Activity of Russian Firms: Survey Experiment Results"
Borisova E. "Generalized Trust, Preferences for Redistribution and Institutions"
Levina I. "Decentralization and Innovation of Hungarian Firms"
Kazun A. "Management of Violence: Effect of Regional Authorities on Corporate Raiding in Russia"
Ivanov D. "Public Reaction on Trade Sanctions in a Democratic Context: Evidence from Moldovan Wine Embargo"
10 9th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA). United Kingdom, Belfast. June 20-22, 2019
Buckley N. "Why So Insecure? The Benefits to Autocrats from Popular Approval"
Szakonyi D. "Miami Vice: The Effect of Anti-Corruption Campaigns on Money Laundering"
11. Seventh IOS Annual Conference “Firms and Social Change in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Historical, Political and Economic Perspectives”. Regensburg, Germany. May 23–25, 2019
Levina I. “Decentralization and Innovations of Hungarian Firms”
Yakovlev A. “Evolution of State-Business relations in Post-Soviet Russia”
12. EACES Workshop “The Rise of State Capitalism: Consequences for Economic and Political Development” (Higher School of Economics). Russia, Moscow. April 9-12, 2019
Zadorian A. “Practicing (State) Capitalism at Petrobras and Rosneft”
Yakovlev A. “Structure of Public Administration, Incentives for Bureaucracy and Economic Growth in Russia and China”
Burkhardt F. “Performance Management and the Implementation of Landmark Executive Orders: Evidence from Russia’s 2012 May Decrees”
Buckley N. “Responsiveness of Public Opinion to Economic Performance under Authoritarian State Capitalism”
13. XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (Higher School of Economics). Russia, Moscow. April 9-12, 2019
Kazun A. “Management of violence: the effect of the regional authorities on violent pressure on business in Russia”
Voronenko V. “Mass migration and social capital: risks and opportunities for economic growth”
14. 77th Annual MPSA Conference, Chicago, USA. April 4-7, 2019
Reuter O. J., Szakonyi D. “Electoral Manipulation and Regime Support: Survey Evidence from Russia”
Garifullina G. “Political Leaders and Risky Decisions: Selection and Survival Effects”
15. The 2019 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Jerusalem, Israel. April 1 – 4, 2019
Borisova E., Ivanov D., Schoors K. “Generalized Trust, Preferences for Redistribution and Institutions”
Levina I. “Decentralization of Firms in a Country with Weak Institutions: Evidence from Russia”
Workshop “Political and Economic Elites in Russia and Ukraine” at the Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. March 7, 2019
Burkhardt F. “Kinship networks and Russia's bureaucratic elite: Dynasties in non-hereditary authoritarian regimes”
Workshop “Policy Process and Social-Economic Structure in Russia and Ukraine” at the University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan. March 11, 2019
Burkhardt F. “Performance management and the implementation of landmark executive orders: Evidence from Russia's 2012 May decrees”
16. 18-я ежегодная конференция из цикла "Леонтьевские чтения", Санкт-Петербург, Россия. 15-16 февраля, 2019
Иванов Д. "Административный ресур как фактор инвестиций в России: результаты эксперимента в рамках массового опроса"
17. 90th Annual Southern Political Science Association Conference, Austin, USA. January 17 – 19, 2019
Szakonyi D. “Candidate filtering: The strategic use of electoral fraud in Russia”
Reuter J., Buckley N. "Apathy or activism? Examining the determinants of pro-regime mobilization in Russia"
1. The second Ghent Russia colloquium, Гент, Бельгия, 11-12 декабря, 2018
Levina I. “Decentralization of Firms in a Country with Weak Institutions: Evidence from Russia”
Szakonyi D. “Collateral Damage: Evaluating International Sanctions using Firm-Level Data“
Syunyaev G. “Discouraging Collective Action in Homeowners’ Associations: Evidence from Russia”
Borisova E. “Who to Help? Trust and Preferences over Redistribution in Russia”
2. 50th Annual ASEEES Convention, Бостон, США, 6-9 декабря, 2018
Yakovlev A. “Good Governor’ or Institution Building: What Can Explain the Success Story of Voronezh after 2009?”
Zadorian A. “Performing the Shareholder Value Revolution at Rosneft”
Marques I. “Co-investment Under Weak Institutions: Evidence from Public-Private Partnerships in Russia’s Regions”
Buckley N. “Verticals and Horizontals: Networks of Power under Consolidating Authoritarianism”
Reuter J. “Electoral Participation under Autocracy: Evidence from Russian Elections”
Szakonyi D. “Anti-Corruption Campaigns and Political Selection: Evidence from Russia”
Garifullina G. “Long Term Effects of Late Soviet Elite Networks in Russian Regions”
Remington T. “The Varieties of Capitalism Go Local: Explaining Regional Variation in Firm-School Cooperation in TVET in the United States, Russia, and China”
Libman A. “From Imperial Bourgeoisie to Intelligentsia: Pre-Revolutionary Estates, Modernization, and Political Contestation in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia”
Rochlitz M. “Anti-Corruption Campaigns as Tools of Authoritarian Political Support?: A Comparison of Russia and China”
3. “The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism” Conference, Будапешт, Венгрия, 29-30 ноября 2018
Yakovlev A. “On big cycles in development of global capitalism”
4. Joint Workshop «Political Economy of Development: Challenges and Perspectives», Эль-Айн - Абу-Даби - Дубай, 30 октября-1 ноября, 2018
Yakovlev A. “Russian modernization: Between the need for new players and the fear of losing control of rent sources”
Remington F. “Public-private partnerships for skill development in the United States, Russia and China”
Borisova E. “Generalized Trust, Preferences for Redistribution and Institutions”
Marques I. “Tax Evasion, Income, and Support for Redistribution”
Kazun A. “Management of Violence: Effect of Regional Authorities on Corporate Raiding in Russia”
Garifullina G. “Long term effects of late Soviet elite networks in the Russian regions”
Rochlitz M. “Violent Corporate Raiding in Russia after 2010: From Business Capture to Centralized Corruption?”
5. The Fifth Annual Conference of the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies (LMU), Мюнхен, Германия, 25-27 октября, 2018
Burkhardt F. “On Presidents and Presidencies: Single-Country Studies and Comparative Authoritarianism, the Case of Russia”
6. BASEES Uppsala Conference 2018, Уппсала, Швеция, 13-14 сентября, 2018
Szakonyi D. “Political conflict and regime stability in post-Soviet authoritarian countries”
Burkhardt F. “Kinship Networks and Russia’s Bureaucratic Elite”
Buckley N. “Verticals and Horizontals: Networks of Power under Consolidating Authoritarianism”
7. Analytics for Management and Economics Conference, Санкт-петербург, Россия, 19-22 сентября, 2018
Yakovlev A. “Female Factor in Perception of Corruption by Bureaucrats: List Experiment Results”
8. 15th European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES) Conference, Варшава, Польша, 6-8 сентября, 2018
Yakovlev A. “Channels of dialogue between international business and the national government: implications for domestic reforms and international relations"
9. 114th APSA Annual Meeting, Boston, USA. August 30 – September 2, 2018.
Marques I. “Elite Networks, Electoral Incentives, and Fiscal Transfers in Hybrid Regimes”
Remington T. “Authors Meet Critics: Coalitional Presidentialism in Comparative Perspective”
Reuter O.J. “Mass Mobilization in Contemporary Autocracies: Evidence from Russia” and “Shoring Up Power: Strengthening Regime Parties via Electoral Reform”
Buckley N. “Networks of Power Under Consolidating Authoritarianism”
Libman A. “From Imperial Bourgeoisie to Russian Intelligentsia”
Zadorian A. “From Oil to Knowledge: Sources of Rent in the Global Energy Industry”
Ivanov D. “The Legacy of Stalin in Georgia: Ideology and Hometown Effect”
Levina I. “Does firms’ decentralization pay off in weak institutions setup? Decentralization and investment of Russian firms”
10. IAMO Forum 2018 “Large-scale agriculture – for profit and society?”. Germany, Halle. June 27-29, 2018
Yakovlev A., Bondarenko Y. “Success story” of agriculture in Voronezh region in 2010-2017: happy coincidence or new model of regional governance in Russia?”
11. 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics (SIOE). Canada, Montréal. June 21–23, 2018
Ivanov D. “The Legacy of Stalin in Georgia: Ideological Consequences of Hometown Effect”
12. 8th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA). Austria, Vienna.June 21-23, 2018
Buckley N. “It's a Dirty Job: Consequences of Corruption in Corrupt Contexts”; “Verticals and Horizontals: Networks of Power under Consolidating Authoritarianism”
Marques I. “Political Networks and Competition – Elite Networks, Electoral Incentives, and Intergovernmental Transfers in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes: Evidence from Russia”
13. IOS/APB/EACES Summer Academy "Firm Behavior in Central and Eastern Europe: Productivity, Innovation and Trade". Germany, Tutzing. June 11-13, 2018
Levina I. “Does firms’ decentralization pay off in weak institutions setup? Decentralization and investment of Russian firms”
14. 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association. Czech Republic, Prague. May 24-28, 2018
Kazun A. “A Friend Who Was Supposed to Lose: How Donald Trump Was Portrayed in the Russian Media?”
Kazun A., Kazun A. “Coverage of Three Tragedies in the Russian Media: Application of the Network Agenda Model”
15. BOFIT (Bank of Finland) Seminar. Finland, Helsinki. May 15, 2018
Borisova E., Schoors K., Ivanov D. “Generalized Trust, Preferences for Redistribution and Target Groups: Moderating Role of the Institutions”
16. Economics Research Seminar at the University of Passau. Germany, Passau. April 18, 2018
Rochlitz M., Zakharov N., Schoors K., Enikolopov R. “Independent Media and Elections: Experimental Evidence from Russia”
17. XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (Higher School of Economics). Russia, Moscow. April 10-13, 2018
Levina I. “Institutional barriers to decentralization at the firms: evidence from Russia”
Borisova E., Schoors K., Ivanov D. “Generalized Trust, Preferences for Redistribution and Target Groups: Moderating Role of the Institutions”
Казун А. “И не друг, и не враг: Дональд Трамп в российских СМИ”
Борисова Е., Брызгалин В., Левина И. “О связи между доверием, социальными нормами и экономическим ростом”
18. The 76th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference. USA, Chicago. April 5-8, 2018
Borisova E., Gimpelson N., Ivanov D. “Trust and Support for Redistribution Target Groups in Different Institutional Settings”
Reuter O.J. “Political Participation and the Survival of Electoral Authoritarian Regimes”
Marques I., Remington T. “Co-investment under Weak Institutions: Evidence from Public-Private Partnerships in Russia’s Regions”
19. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association. USA, San Francisco. March 29-31, 2018
Reuter O.J. , Szakonyi D. "Elite Defection under Autocracy: Evidence from Russia"
Szakonyi D. "Miami Vice: The Effect of Anti-Corruption Campaigns on Money Laundering"
20. Conference “The Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship” at the University of Münster. Germany, Münster. March 15-17, 2018
Ivanov D. "The Legacy of Stalin in Georgia: Ideology and Hometown Effect"
21. Seminar at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University. USA, Cambridge. March 9, 2018
Yakovlev A. “In Response to External Shocks: How Advanced Russian Regions React to Changes in Federal Policies – the Experience of Tatarstan”
22. Conference “The Life & Legacy of Douglass North. Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of North's Nobel Prize in Economics”, George Mason University. USA, Arlington. March 2-3, 2018
Yakovlev A. "Mobilizing Law in Developing Countries: Some Implications from Russian ‘Limited Access Order’"
23. Workshop at the Warsaw School of Economics. Poland, Warsaw. February 16, 2018
Yakovlev A. “Channels of communication between international business and national government: implications for domestic reform and international relations”
24. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. USA, New Orleans. January 4 – 6, 2018.
Reuter O.J. “Political participation and the survival of electoral authoritarianism”
Reuter O.J. “Do authoritarian elections help the poor?”
Szakonyi D. “Elite defection under autocracy: Evidence from Russia”
1. Workshop «Growth and Redistribution in Limited Access Orders» (Ludwig Maximilans University of Munich). Germany, Munich. November 24-25, 2017.
Buckley N. “Networks of Connections between Russian Executive Elites”
Rochlitz M. “Regional Bureaucracies under Limited Political Competition: Experimental Evidence from Russia”
Marques I. “Public-Private Partnerships in Vocational Education in Russia: The Role of Credible Commitments”
Levina I. “Institutional Barriers to Decentralization in Russian Firms”
Borisova E. “Trust and Support for Redistribution Target Groups in Different Institutional Settings”
Kazun A. “Mobilizing Law in Developing Countries: Some Implications from Russian Limited Access Order”
Ivanov D. “Loss of Human Capital and Development: Evidence from Russian German Repatriation”
2. 49th Annual ASEEES Convention. USA, Chicago. November 9-12, 2017.
Szakonyi D. “Princelings and Political Rents”
Frye T. “Rallying around the Flag?: The Impact of Sanctions on Government Approval in Russia”
Reuter O.J. “Electoral Fraud and Voter Behavior: Survey Evidence from Russia”
Buckley N. “Verticals and Horizontals: Networks of Connections between Russian Executive Elites”
Rochlitz M. “Regional Investment Promotion Agencies as Drivers of Economic Growth in Russia's Regions?”
Libman A. “A Centralist Approach to Regional Development?: The Case of the Russian Ministry of the Far East”
3. 1st Ariel Conference on Political Economy of Public Policy (Ariel University). Israel, Ariel. September 10-12, 2017.
Levina I. “Who to Help? Trust, Social Norms and Redistribution Target Groups”
Yakovlev A. “Destructive corporate raiding: The dark side of economics”
4. 113th American Political Science Association Annual Meeting 2017. USA, San Francisco. August 31 - September 3, 2017.
Marques I. «Public-Private Partnerships, Vocational Education, and Weak Institutions»
Buckley N. «Using Internet Searches in Russia for Measurement and Prediction»
Szakonyi D. «The Determinants of Businessperson Political Candidacy»
Reuter O.J. «Political Participation and the Survival of Electoral Authoritarianism»
5. 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (Columbia University). USA, New York. June 23-25, 2017.
Frye T. «Autocratic Elections and Corporate Raiding: a Natural Experiment in Russia»Yakovlev A. «Raiders, Property Rights, and Investment: Evidence from Russia's Regions»
Marques I. «Public-private Partnerships Under Weak Institutions: Co-investment and the Case of Vocational Education in Russia’s Regions»
Ivanov D. «Do Institutions Cause Social Trust? Evidence from an Institutional Reform» at the session “Norms, Customs and Culture”.
6. 7th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association. Italy, Milan. June 22-24, 2017.
Buckley N. “Using Internet Searches in Russia for Measurement and Prediction”
7. The Second World Congress of Comparative Economics “1917 –2017: Revolution and Evolution in Economic Development” (Higher School of Economics). Russia, Saint-Petersburg. June 15-17, 2017
Yakovlev A. «Prerequisites for the Formation of a New Developmental Model in Russian Region: The Case of Tatarstan»; «Russian Fast-Growing Firms (Gazelles) and North’s Development Paradigm»
Kazun A. «Violent Pressure on Business and Economic Development of Russian Regions», «Lawyers’ Organizations as Drivers of Social Changes in Developing Countries: Evidence from Russia»
Ershova N. «Collective Action of Foreign Business in Russia: The Main Organizational Forms, Stages, and Factors of Their Evolution»
Silvagni M. «Higher Literacy Skills, Better Occupation? Evidence from Russia 1897-1926»
Ivanov D. «Loss of Human Capital and Development: Evidence from Russian Germans Repatriation»
Libman A. «Sub-National Political Regimes and Formal Economic Regulation: Evidence from Russian Regions»
Rochlitz M. «The Political Economy of Regional Investment Promotion: Experimental Evidence from Russia"
8. European Public Choice Society Conference. Hungary, Budapest. April 19-22, 2017
Borisova E., Govorun A., Ivanov D. “Bridging or Bonding? Preferences for Redistribution and Social Capital in Russia”
Szakonyi D. “Princelings and Political Rents”
Buckley N. “Calculating Corruption: Political Competition and Bribery under Authoritarianism”
9. XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (Higher School of Economics). Russia, Moscow. April 11-14, 2017
Ivanov D., Borisova E. “Loss of human capital and development: evidence from Russian Germans repatriation”
Ivanov D. “Regional distribution of fast-growing companies in Russia: Role of institutions”
Borisova E., Govorun A., Ivanov D. “Bridging or Bonding? Preferences for Redistribution and Social Capital in Russia”
Kazun A. “Devil’s advocate for dishonest law enforcer: who defends law enforcers in Russian courts?”
10. The 75th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference. USA, Chicago. April 6-9, 2017
Reuter O.J. “Elite Cohesion in Putin’s Russia”
Beazer Q., Reuter O.J. “Political Centralization, Governance, and the Persistence of Bad Housing in Russian Municipalities”
11. Workshop «Political elites and political rents under electoral authoritarianism: evidence from Russia and beyond» (University of Oxford). UK, Oxford. April 3, 2017
Szakonyi D. "Pricelings and Political Rents"
Buckley N. "Calculating Corruption: Political Competition and Bribery under Authoritarianism"
Rochlitz M. "Independent Media and Non-Competitive Elections: Experimental Evidence from Russia"
12. British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) Conference 2017. UK, Cambridge, March 31-April 2, 2017
Yakovlev A., Levina I., Kisunko G. (World Bank), Marques I. “Uncertainty as a Factor in Investment Decisions: The Case of Russia’s Regions”
Yakovlev A. “How to Expand the Rule of Law in an Imperfect Institutional Environment? Some Implications from Russia's «Limited Access Order”
Buckley N. “Calculating Corruption: Political Competition and Bribery under Authoritarianism”
Rochlitz M. “Violent Pressure on Business in Russia: How It Affects Firm Entry and the Investment Climate, and why the Kremlin Cannot Stop It”
Szakonyi M. “Princelings and Political Rents”
13. Workshop "Main Issues in Contemporary Comparative Economics“. Hungary, Budapest (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). February 16, 2017
Yakovlev A. “Raiders, Property Rights, and Investment: Evidence from Russia's Regions”
14. International Conference “Eastern Europe’s New Conservatives: Varieties and Explanations from Poland to Russia”. Germany, Berlin (Institute for East European Studies of the Freie Universität Berlin). February 9-10, 2017
Yakovlev A. “When and why ordinary people and elites in Russia started to turn to non-liberal thinking?”
1. ASEEES Annual Conference. USA, Washington. November 17-20, 2016.
Szakonyi D. “The Determinants of Businessperson Political Candidacy”
Marques I. “Public-Private Partnerships and Political Connections”
Yakovlev A., Kazun A. “How to Expand the Rule of Law in an Imperfect Institutional Environment? Some Implications from Russia's ‘Limited Access Order’”
Rochlitz M. “The role and place of the siloviki in Russia's changing political order”
Buckley N. “Authoritarian Regimes and Petty Corruption: The Experience of Russian Citizens”
Frye T., Borisova E. “Elections, Protest and Trust in Government: A Natural Experiment from Russia”
2. 16th Aleksanteri Conference. Finland, Helsinki. October 26-28, 2016.
T. Remington “Russian Economic Inequality in Comparative Perspective”
3. Joint workshop of ICSID and Harriman Institute, Columbia University «Political Economy of Institutions and Governance: The View from Eurasia». USA, New York. October 13-14, 2016
Buckley N. “Calculating Corruption: Political Competition and Bribery under Authoritarianism”
Borisova E., Frye T., Syunyaev G. “Encouraging Collective Action in Homeowners Associations: Evidence from Russia”
Rochlitz M., Kazun A., Yakovlev A.“Violent Pressure on Business in Russia: How It Affects Firm Entry and the Investment Climate, and Why the Kremlin Cannot Stop It”
Pyle W. “Deposit Insurance, Market Discipline and Bank Risk”
Tkachenko A. “Does Public Procurement Improve Firms Performance: The Case of Russian manufacturing enterprises”
Frye T., Reuter O.J., Szakonyi D. “Vote Brokers and Voter Turnout in Russia: Evidence from a Survey Experiment”
Reuter O.J. “The Logic of Subnational Appointments”
Yakovlev A., Levina I., Marques I., Kisunko G. “Regulatory uncertainty as a factor in investment decisions: case of Russian regions”
Szakonyi D., Best M.C., Hjort J. “Sources of Variation in State Effectiveness and Consequences for Policy Design”
4. 14th Biannual Conference of EACES. Germany, Regensburg. September 8-10, 2016.
Yakovlev A., Levina I., Marques I., Kisunko G. “Uncertainty as a factor in investment decisions: The case of Russia’s regions”
5. APSA 2016 Annual Meeting. USA, Philadelphia. September 1-4, 2016.
Marques I., Sokhey S., Schaffer J. “Foundations of Social Policy Support”
Frye T., Szakonyi D., Reuter O.J. “Vote Brokers and Voter Turnout in Russia: Evidence from a Survey Experiment”
Beazer Q., Reuter O.J. “Who’s to Blame: Economic Performance & Blame in a Centralized Political System“
Buckley N. “What Use is Corruption? Authoritarian Regimes and Discriminating Bribery”
6. International Conference on China’s Neo-Socialism under Xi Jinping (organized by East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore). Singapore. August 18-19, 2016.
Remington T. “Bureaucratic Politics and Labor Policy in China: Regime Institutions and Policy Processes”
7. Academy of Management Meeting. USA, Anaheim. August 5-9, 2016.
Szakonyi D. “The Determinants of Businessperson Political Candidacy”
8. European Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Belgium, Brussels. June 23-25, 2016.
Buckley N. “Improving Measurement of Corruption: Multilevel Regression and Poststratification in New Contexts and New Populations“
9. 2016 Conference of the Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics (SIOE). France, Paris. June 15-17, 2016.
Frye T., Reuter O.J., Szakonyi D. “Hitting Them with Carrots: Voter Intimidation and Vote Buying In Russia”
Reuter O.J., Frye T., Szakonyi D. “Vote Brokers, Clientelist Appeals, and Voter Turnout in Russia”
Yakovlev A., Kazun A., Sitkevich D. “Professional Organizations As Drivers of Social Changes in Developing Countries: Some Implications from Russian ‘limited Access Order’”
Levina I. “Organization of Decision-Making at the Firm: Just Cost-Benefit Optimization or Something More?”
Marques I. “Binding Ties, Binding Commitments: Evidence from Public-Private Partnerships in Vocational Education”
Libman A. “Democracy, Income and Health: Evidence from Sub-National Comparative Method”
Borisova E., Ivanov D. “Loss of Human Capital and Development: Evidence from Russian Germans Repatriation”
10. EACES-HSE Workshop “Human Capital in Cities: A Comparative Perspective”. Russia, Saint Petersburg. May 20, 2016
Borisova E., Ivanov D. “Loss of Human Capital and Development: Evidence from Russian Germans Repatriation”
11. Seminar at the School of Advanced International and Area Studies of East China Normal University. China, Shanghai. May 9, 2016.
Rochlitz M. “State-Busniess Relations in Russia and China: A Comparative Analysis”
12. XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Russia, Moscow. April 19-22, 2016.
Borisova E., Kulkova A. “Cultural Heterogeneity and Trust: Evidence from Naming Patterns in Russia”
Sumkin D., Grigoriadis T., Yakovlev A. “Monitoring Transition: Public Procurement & Imperfect Institutions”
Kazun A., Yakovlev A. “The role of the organizations of lawyers in the development of the community of advocates in Russia”
A. Kazun, A. Kazun “Network analysis of the WTO dispute: asymmetry in opportunities of developing and developed countries and Russia's place in the "trade club"
13. Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society. Germany, Freiburg. March 30 to April 2, 2016.
Borisova E., Frye T. “Elections, Protest and Trust in Government: A Natural Experiment from Russia”
Ivanov D. “Do Institutions Cause Social Trust? Evidence from an Institutional Reform”
14. Royal Economic Society Annual Conference. UK, Brighton, March 21-23, 2016
Ivanov D. “Do Institutions Cause Social Trust? Evidence from an Institutional Reform”
15. Seminar at St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities at HSE. Russia, Saint Petersburg. January 27, 2016.
Marques I. “Institutional Quality and Individual Preferences for Social Policy”
16. 2016 Annual Meeting of American Economic Association. USA, San Francisco. January 3-5, 2016.
Frye T., Ivanov D., Marques I., Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A. “Through Thick and Through Thin: Economic Shocks, Transfers and Strategic Priorities in Russia”
1. Conference “The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism” at Central European University. Hungary, Budapest. November 26-27, 2015.
Yakovlev A. “Incentives in the Public Administration and Economic Growth in Russia and China”
2. ASEEES Annual Conference. USA, Pholadelphia. November 19-22, 2015.
Yakovlev A. “Measurement of Business Climate in Russia: Who Perceived the Changes and How Are These Perceptions Related to Mr. Putin?”
Marques I. “The Reform of Skill Formation in Russia’s Regions: Regional Responses”
Reuter J. “Political Apathy, Voter Mobilization, and Regime Stability: Lessons from Russia”
Buckley N. “Structure and Turnover in Hybrid Authoritarian State Structures”
Szakonyi D. “Firm-Level Returns from Connections to Elected Politicians: Evidence from Russia”
Rochlitz M. “Information War? A Framing Analysis of Russian, Ukrainian and Western TV Newscasts during the Ukraine Crisis”
Pyle W. “Costs and Benefits of Private Property: The Case of Land Ownership by Russian Firms”
3. Workshop “Remaking the social contract in Russia and China” at Emory University. USA, Atlanta. November 7, 2015.
Marques I. “Institutional quality and individual preferences for social policy”
4. 15th Aleksanteri Conference. Finland, Helsinki. October 21-23, 2015.
Kazun A. “Social Responsibility of Russian Lawyers: Factors of Engagement into "pro bono" Work”
5. HKUST-HSE Seminar “Comparative Studies of Regional Governance in China and Russia”. Hong Kong. September 24-26, 2015.
Reuter J. “Performance Incentives under Autocracy: Evidence from Russia’s Regions”
Yakovlev A. “Measurement of Business Climate in Russia: Who Perceived the Changes and How are These Changes Related to Mr. Putin?”
Rochlitz M. “Collective Action Abroad: How Foreign Investors Organize – Evidence from Russia During the Ukraine Crisis”
Remington T. “Pension Reform in Authoritarian Regimes: Russia and China Compared”
6. BOFIT Seminar (Bank of Finland - Institute for economies in transition). Finland, Helsinki. September 15, 2015.
Yakovlev A. “Changes in business climate and attitudes towards the national leader”
7. 2015 APSA Annual Meeting. USA, San Francisco. September 3-6, 2015.
Buckley N. “Control Over Bureaucracy under Hybrid Authoritarianism”
Marques I. “The Reform of Skill Formation in Russia: Regional Responses”
Reuter O.J. “Political Participation and the Survival of Electoral Authoritarian Regimes”
Borisova E., Ivanov D., Govorun A., Levina I. “Who to Help? Trust and Preferences over Redistribution in Russia”
8. 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Canada, Vancouver. August 7-11, 2015.
Szakonyi D. “Renting Higher Office: Firm-Level Returns from Connections to Elected Politicians”
9. ICCEES World Congress. Japan, Makuhari. August 3-8, 2015.
Rochlitz M. “Bureaucratic Appointments under Limited Political Competition: Evidence from Russian Regions”
Yakovlev A. “Incentives in Public Administration – Why Russia Has Not Achieved What the USSR Did till the Late 1960s or China Has Been Doing since 1980s?”
Kazun A. “Who Demands Collective Action in Imperfect Institutional Environment? Case-Study of Attorneys’ Professional Community in Russia”
Reuter O.J. “Why Hold Subnational Elections? Evidence from Russian Cities”
10. Silvaplana Workshop on Political Economy. Switzerland, Pontresina. July 25-29, 2015.
Yakovlev A. “Incentives For Repeated Contracts In Public Sector: Empirical Study Of Gasoline Procurement In Russia”
11. First World Congress of Comparative Economics. Italy, Rome. June 25-27, 2015.
Ivanov D. “Do Institutions Cause Social Trust? Evidence from an Institutional Reform”
Borisova E., Ivanov D., Govorun A., Levina I. “Who to help? Trust and Preferences over Redistribution in Russia”
Yakovlev A. “State-Business Relations in Russia after 2011: ‘New Deal’ or Imitation of Changes?”
Marques I. “Firms and Social Policy in the Post-Communist Bloc: Evidence from Russia”
12. 19th Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics. USA, Cambridge. June 18-20, 2015.
Borisova E., Ivanov D., Govorun A., Levina I. “Who to help? Trust and Preferences over Redistribution in Russia”.
Kulpina V., Yakovlev A., Remington T., Rochlitz M. “Performance Incentives and Economic Growth: Regional Officials in Russia and China”
Yakovlev A., Demidova O., Bashlik A. “Incentives for Repeated Contracts in Public Sector: Empirical Study of Gasoline Procurement in Russia”
13. The conference “The (not so) Discreet Charm of Clientelism: Comparative Perspectives on Patron-Client Relations” Russia, Perm. June 18-20, 2015.
Reuter O.J. “The Evolution of Clientelism in Russia's Regions”
14. International Conference “Professionalism reconsidered: changes and challenges in welfare states”. Russia, Moscow. May 21-22, 2015.
Kazun A. “Социальная ответственность в работе российского адвоката: мотивы работы по назначению и мотивы работы на условиях pro bono public”
15. European School on New Institutional Economics. France, Cargèse. May 18-22, 2015.
Levina I. “Human factor and decentralization of decision-making at the firm: analysis of firms in 7 European countries and Russia”
16. Круглый стол «Обеспечение независимости адвокатов: российский и зарубежный опыт». Россия, Москва. 19 мая, 2015
Казун А.П. «Коллективная оценка адвокатами качества правоприменения в РФ как инструмент повышения независимости адвокатской корпорации»
17. Workshop at the Research Centre for East European Studies of the University of Bremen. Germany, Bremen. May 3, 2015.
Yakovlev A. “Constructing a New Society from the Top: Communist Beliefs and Their Influence on Success and Failure of the Soviet Union”
18. IX Всероссийская научная конференция памяти Юрия Левады "Современное российское обществ и социология". Россия, Москва, 24 апреля, 2015.
Казун А.П. «Спрос на право в регионах России: социально-демографический портрет экономически успешного адвоката»
19. The 73rd annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference. USA, Chicago. April 16-19, 2015.
Kulpina V., Yakovlev A., Remington T., Rochlitz M. “Performance Incentives and Economic Growth: Regional Officials in Russia and China”
Reuter O.J. “Why Authoritarian Elections?: An Elite-Based Theory with Evidence from Russian Cities”
20. European Public Choice Society Annual Meeting 2015. Netherlands, Groningen. April 7-10, 2015.
Borisova E., Ivanov D., Govorun A., Levina I. “Who to help? Trust and Preferences over Redistribution in Russia”
21. XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Russia, Moscow. April 7-10, 2015.
Kazun A. “Тактики взаимодействия российских адвокатов с правоохранительной системой: между кооперацией и противостоянием”
Kazun A. “Рейдерство в регионах России: индикаторы и факторы”
Marques I. “Institutional Quality and Individual Preferences for Social Policy: Experimental Evidence from Russia”
Kulpina V., Yakovlev A., Remington T., Rochlitz M. “Performance Incentives and Economic Growth: Regional Officials in Russia and China”
Yakovlev A., Levina I. “Для каких фирм улучшился деловой климат в 2012-2014 годах и как на это повлиял президент Путин?”
Borisova E., Ivanov D., Govorun A., Levina I. “Кто заслуживает поддержки? Доверие и предпочтения к перераспределению в России”
Hodjaeva E., Kazun A. “Адвокатское сообщество России”
1. 10th Annual Conference Italian Society of Law and Economics. Italy, Rome, December 18-20, 2014
Kazun A., Yakovlev A. "Who demands collective action in imperfect institutional environment?"
2. Workshop on Institutional Analysis - The Ronald Coase Institute. Philippines, Manila, December 7-13, 2014.
Ivanov D. "Resettlement, Human Capital and Culture: How Did It Matter for Development?"
3. 2014 ASEEES Convention. USA, San Antonio, November 20-23, 2014
Marquez I. "Popular Opinion, Business Preferences, and Social Policy Outcomes in Russia"
Buckley N. "Authoritarian regimes and petty corruption: experiences of Russian citizens and firms"
Szakonyi D. "Renting Higher Office: The Participation of Economic Elites in Political Institutions"
4. Scientific seminar of the Institute of Economics and Finance, Chinese University of Hong Kong. China, Novemmber 4-6, 2014
Yakovlev A. "Incentives in the Public Administration and Economic Growth in Russia and China"
5. 14th Annual Aleksanteri Conference. Finland, Helsinki, October 22-24, 2014.
Yakovlev A., Kazun A. "Problems of Law Enforcement and Judicial System in Russia: an Assessment of Attorneys"
Kazun A. "The Intensity of Violent Pressure on Business in Russian Regions: Indicators and Factors"
6. Public Goods through Private Eyes. Project concluding conference. Poland, Warsaw, October 9-10, 2014.
Ivanov D. "What Is the Relationship between Trust and Preferences for Redistribution in Russia?"
7. Workshop on the Political Economy of Russia, Harriman Institute and International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development- HSE International Affairs Building Columbia University. USA, New-York, September 18-19, 2014.
Borisova E., Govorun A., Ivanov D., Levina I. “Trust and Preferences over Redistribution”
Reuter O.J., Buckley N., Garifullina G., Shubenkova A. “Why Cancel Mayoral Elections in Russia?”
Remington T., McElroy B., Marques I. “Varieties of skill formation in the Russian regions,”
Yakovlev A., Tkachenko A., Demidova O., Balaeva O. “The Impact of Different Regulatory Regimes on the Effectiveness of Public Procurement”
Frye T. “What Do Voters in Ukraine Want? A Survey Experiment on Language, Ethnicity, and Policy Orientation.”
Rochlitz M., Kulpina V., Remington T, Yakovlev A. “Performance Incentives and Economic Growth: Regional Officials in Russia and China”
Pyle W., Dower P. “Land Rights, Industry, and the Post-Socialist Cityscape”
McCarthy L., Frye T., Buckley N. “A Rotten Orchard? Societal Tolerance of Police Misbehavior in Moscow”
8. 13th EACES Biennial Conference, Budapest, September 4–6, 2014.
Yakovlev A., Balaeva O. "Estimation of costs in Russian public procurement system: case-study of Voronezh State University"
Yakovlev A., Demidova O., Tkachenko A. "Effects of Regulatory Reforms in Public Procurement: the Case of National Universities in Russia"
9. 23rd Silvaplana Workshop in Political Economy. Switzerland, Pontresina,July 26 – 30, 2014
Govorun A., Marques I., Pyle W. "The political roots of intermediated lobbying: evidence from Russian firms and business associations"
10. European Political Science Association 4th Annual Conference, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Scotland, Edinburgh, June 19 - 21 2014
Buckley N., Garifullina G., Reuter O.J., Shubenkova A. "Political Centralization and Election Cancellation in Russian Cities"
Buckley N. "Political, Economic and Bureaucratic Determinants of Petty Corruption"
11. European School for New Institutional Economics (ESNIE) , France, Cargese, May 19-23, 2014.
Borisova E. “What is the Relationship between Trust and Preferences for Redistribution in Russia?”
Rochlitz M. “Bureaucratic Appointments under Limited Political Competition: Evidence from Russian Regions”
12. Baltic International Academy IV International young researchers and students' scientific and practical conference "Time of Challenges and Possibilities: Problems, Development and Perspectives" , Latvia, Riga, May 15-16.
Kazun A. “Transformation of the ethical values of Russian lawyers from University to Advocacy”
13. Political Economy of Second-Best Institutions in the Emerging Markets , United Kingdom, London, 5 May, 2014
Rochlitz M. “State Pressure on Business in Russia: Institutional Change through Business Organizations?”
14. Круглый стол по теме «Состояние и проблемы юридического сообщества: взгляд адвокатов», проведенный совместно Ассоциацией юристов России и НИУ ВШЭ 09.04.2014 г. в Аппарате Ассоциации юристов России.
15. Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) , USA, Chicago, April 3-6, 2014
Marques I. “Managing the Authoritarian State”
Reuter O.J. “Bureaucratic Appointments in Hybrid Regimes”
16. XV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Russia, Moscow, April 1-4, 2014
Ткаченко А.В., Яковлев А.А., Демидова О.А. "Влияние реформ и различных режимов регулирования на эффективность закупок государственных организаций"
Ivanov В. "Transition and Path-Dependence in Knowledge-intensive industry Location: Case of Russian Professional Services"
Shubenkova A., Garifullina G., Buckley N. "Factors of mayoral Elections Cancellation in the Russian Cities"
Garifullina G. "Groups and networks in the Russian Federal-Level Consultative Bodies"
1. ASEEES annual conference. Boston, November 21-24, 2013.
Govorun A., Pyle W., Marques I. "Choosing channels of influence in hybrid regimes: Direct and indirect lobbying across the Russian Federation
Buckley N., Reuter O.J. Bureaucratic Appointments in Hybrid Regimes
2. International workshop “Imagining Development Comparing Theory and Practice of Development in the Post-socialist World”. Tallinn, November 8-9, 2013
Garifullina G. "Business Participation in Discussion over Public Policies: the Case of Public Advisory Bodies in Contemporary Russia"
Szakonyi D. "Renting Higher Office: the Participation of Economic Elites in Political Institutions"
Rochlitz M. "Industrial Policy and State Capacity – A Comparative Analysis of Russia and China"
3. Conference “The Performance and Policies in China and Russia during and after the World Financial Crisis”. Xian, October 10-13, 2013.
Frye T., Marques I., Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A., Ivanov D. "School of Hard Knocks: Economic Shocks, Transfers, and Strategic Priorities in Hybrid Regimes"
Buckley N., Garifullina G., Reuter O.J. "Local Elite Quality: Does Selection Mechanism matter?"
Govorun A., Pyle W., Marques I. "Choosing channels of influence in hybrid regimes: Direct and indirect lobbying across the Russian Federation"
4. XIII «Aleksanteri Conference». Helsinki, October 22-26, 2013.
Kazun A. "Security Challenges: pressure on the business in Russia"
5. European Economic Association conference, Goteborg, August 26-30, 2013.
Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A., Baranov A. Criminal persecution of business in Russian regions: The role of state violence
6. Silvaplana Workshop on Political Economy Workshop on Political Economy, Pontresina, July 19-25, 2013
Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A., Baranov A. Criminal persecution of business in Russian regions: The role of state violence
7. RSSIA Workshop on Institutional Economics, Moscow region, June 28 – July 5, 2013
Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A., Baranov A. "Criminal persecution of business in Russian regions: The role of state violence"
Buckley N., Garifullina G., Reuter O.J. "Local Elite Quality: Does Selection Mechanism matter?"
8. ICSID conference, Moscow, June 26-27, 2013.
Frye T., Marques I., Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A., Ivanov D. "School of Hard Knocks: Economic Shocks, Transfers, and Strategic Priorities in Hybrid Regimes"
Buckley N., Garifullina G., Reuter O.J. "Cancellation of Mayoral Elections in the Russian Cities: Consequences for the Local Elites"
Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A., Baranov A. "Criminal persecution of business in Russian regions: The role of state violence"
Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A., Marques I. "Substituting Growth for Money: Intergovernmental Transfers and Electoral Support in the Russian Federation, 2000-2008"
Buckley N., Garifullina G., Frye T., Reuter O. J. "The Political Economy of Russian Gubernatorial Election and Appointment"
Szakonyi D., Nazrullaeva E. "Policy Unfamiliarity: Political Uncertainty and Private Investment in Hybrid Regimes"
Govorun A., Pyle W., Marques I. "Getting Friendly with the Boss: Political Consolidation, Personal Connections, and the Choice of Lobbying Strategy"
Buckley N., Frye T., Gehlbach S., McCarty L. "Cooperating With the State: Evidence from Survey Experiments on Policing"
McCarty L. "Local Level Law Enforcement: Muscovites and their Uchastkovyi"
9. International Society of New Institutional Economics conference, Florence, June 20-23, 2013.
Buckley N., Frye T., Gehlbach S., McCarthy L. "Cooperating with the State: Evidence from Survey Experiments on Policing"
Frye T., Yakovlev A. "Elections, Protest, and Investment Plans: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Russia"
Govorun A., Pyle W., Marques I. "Choosing channels of influence in hybrid regimes: Direct and indirect lobbying across the Russian Federation"
10. European Association of Political Science conference. EPSA, Barcelona, June 20-22, 2013.
Buckley N., Garifullina G., Reuter O.J. "Bureaucratic Appointments in Hybrid Regimes"
11. Engaging the Law in Eurasia and Eastern Europe, Kennan Institute, Washington DC, May 14, 2013.
McCarthy L. "Local-level law enforcement: Muscovites and their Uchastkovyi"
12. Midwest Political Science Association conference. MPSA, Chicago, April 11-14, 2013.
Govorun A., Pyle W., Marques I. "Choosing channels of influence in hybrid regimes: Direct and indirect lobbying across the Russian Federation"
Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A., Baranov A. "Criminal persecution of business in Russian regions: The role of state violence"
Szakonyi D., Reuter J., Frye T. "Political Machines at Work: Voter Mobilization and Electoral Subversion in the Workplace"
Buckley N., Frye T., Gehlbach S., McCarthy L. "Cooperating with the State: Evidence from Survey Experiments on Policing"
13. XIV International HSE April Conference, Russia, Moscow, April 3-5, 2013.
Govorun A., Pyle W., Marques I. "Choosing channels of influence in hybrid regimes: Direct and indirect lobbying across the Russian Federation"
Nazrullaeva E, Yakovlev A., Baranov A. "Criminal persecution of business in Russian regions: The role of state violence"
Garifullina G., Shubenkova A., Reuter O.J., Buckley N. "Cancelling Mayoral Elections in the Russian Cities"
Соболев А.С. "Факторы коллективного действия: случай массовых протестов в России 2011–2012"
14. 6th Annual James Millar Lecture. George Washington University, March 4. 2013.
Frye T. "Russia’s Political Economy Today: The Role of the Firm"
1. HSE/HSE Seminar, Moscow.
Frye T. December 11, 2012. “Elections, Protest and Investment: A Natural Experiment in Russia”
2. Ronald Coase Institute Workshop on Institutional Analysis, December 9-15, 2012, Santiago (Chile).
Govorun A., Marques I., Pyle W. "Getting Friendly with the Boss: Political Consolidation, Personal Connections, and the Choice of Lobbying Strategy"
3. Ronald Coase Institute Workshop on Institutional Analysis, December 9-15, 2012, Santiago (Chile).
Nazrullaeva E., Baranov A. "Criminal Persecution of Business in Russia's Regions: the Role of Violence"
4. International Network for Economic Research seminar “Opportunities for Growth, Trade and Investments after the Crisis”, Cluj-Napoka (Romania), November 9-10, 2012.
Nazrullaeva E., Szakonyi D., Yakovlev A. "Breaking with the Past: The Impact of Executive Turnover and Uncertainty on Private Investment in Russia"
5. European Business and Economics Society conference, Warsaw (Poland), November 1-3, 2012.
Nazrullaeva E., Szakonyi D., Yakovlev A. "Breaking with the Past: The Impact of Executive Turnover and Uncertainty on Private Investment in Russia"
6. V Russian-Chinese conference “Regulating the Economic Structures and Sustainable Development: Perspectives in Russia and China”, Ekaterinburg (Russia), October 4-5, 2012.
Nazrullaeva E., Szakonyi D., Yakovlev A. "Breaking with the Past: The Impact of Executive Turnover and Uncertainty on Private Investment in Russia"
7. Conference of the European Association of Comparative Economic Studies (EACES), Glasgow (UK), September 6-8, 2012.
Nazrullaeva E., Szakonyi D., Yakovlev A. "Breaking with the Past: the Institutional Determinants of Private Investment in Russia"
Marques I., Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A. "Substituting Growth for Money: Intergovernmental Transfers and Electoral Support in the Russian Federation, 2001-2008"
8. Conference of the Society for the advancement of behavioral economics, Granada (Spain), July 12-16, 2012.
Belyanin A., Kosals L. "Collusion and corruption among the Russian police: an experimental study"
9. 2012 European Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Berlin, June 21-23, 2012.
Buckley N., Garifullina G., Frye T., Reuter O.J. "The Political Economy of Russian Gubernatorial Election and Appointment"
10. 2012 International Society for New Institutional Economics Annual Conference, Los Angeles, June 14-16, 2012.
Marques I., Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A. "From Competition to Dominance: Political Determinants of Federal Transfers in the Russian Federation"
11. HSE workshop, May 29, 2012
Frye T., Reuter O.J., Szakonyi D. "Political Machines at Work: Voter Mobilization in the Workplace"
12. Presentation at the Center for New Media and Society, New Economics School, Moscow, Russia, May 28, 2012.
Reuter O.J., Szakonyi D. "The Conditional Effect of Online Social Media on Awareness of Electoral Fraud in Russia"
13. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 15th, 2012.
Reuter O.J. "Regional Patrons and Hegemonic Party Performance: Theory and an Empirical Test in Russia"
Marques I., Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A. "From Competition to Dominance: Political Determinants of Federal Transfers in Russian Federation"
Nazrullaeva E., Szakonyi D., Yakovlev A. "Breaking with the Past: The Impact of Executive Turnover and Uncertainty on Private Investment in Russia"
14. HSE IX April Conference. Moscow, Russia, April 4-6, 2012.
Nazrullaeva E., Szakonyi D., Yakovlev A. "Breaking with the Past: The Impact of Executive Turnover and Uncertainty on Private Investment in Russia"
Buckley N., Frye T., Gehlbach S., McCarthy L. "Cooperating with the State: Evidence from Survey Experiments on Policing"
Marques I., Nazrullaeva E., Yakovlev A. "From Competition to Dominance: Political Determinants of Federal Transfers in the Russian Federation"
1. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. November 15-19, 2011.
Dubova A. “Police subcultures as a regulator of police moonlighting in transformation countries (Post-soviet countries case)”
2. University of Toronto, Seminar on Police Reforming Russia. November 28 – December 4, 2011.
Kosals L. “Police commercialization in transformational countries”
3. International conference “Twenty Years after the Collapse of the Soviet Union. Change, Continuity and New Challenges”. December 1-3, 2011, Berlin.
Yakovlev A. “Capitalism ‘Russian Style’: rents, incentives and economic development”
4. Workshop “Interest groups and their impact on economic reform in Russia” (based on the methodology of Douglass North, John Wallis, and Barry Weingast). December 14, 2011, Moscow (HSE)
Yakovlev A. “Capitalism ‘Russian Style’: rents, incentives and economic development”
5. Workshop on Politics in Russian Regions. December 15, 2011. Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Reuter O.J. "Sub-national Appointments in Authoritarian Regimes: Evidence from Russian Gubernatorial Appointments"
Szakonyi D. "We Didn't Start the Fires: Measuring the Effect of the 2010 Russian Fires on Support for United Russia"
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