ICSID Research Projects
ICSID researchers come from the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies (IIMS, Higher School of Economics) as well as the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the George Washington University. The Center also cooperates closely with other HSE institutes and departments. Scholars at ICSID are currently implementing a research project "Institutions and human capital as factors in crisis adaptation".
- Development and testing of methods for automated analysis of sentences carried out by Russian courts for socio-legal research (based on violent offences) (RSF);
- Public-private partnership in secondary vocational education: on the example of firms in Russia and China (RSF);
- Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the project "Place of news about Russia on the world agenda: comparative analysis of the global news stream in the G20 countries."
- Grant of the Foundation for support of social research "Khamovniki" for the project "Formation of modern legal profession and role of lawyers in social changes in Russia".
- Institutions, human capital and the quality of public governance as factors of economic development during the crisis period (2023)
Quality of Governance, Institutions and Economic Shocks (2021)
- Quality of public administration: its factors and impact on economic development (2020)
- Political Economy of development: response of economic actors to changes in institutional environment (2019)
- Political Economy of development: mechanisms of inertia and variability (2018)
- Political economy of development: historical and modern factors (2017)
- Public-private partnership in secondary vocational education: on the example of firms in Russia and China (RSF, 2016-2018)
- Elites, institutions and culture as factors of economic development (2016)
- Promotion factors of the bureaucratic elite, informal institutions and the production of public goods (2015)
- Incentives for bureaucracy, protection of property rights and production of public goods (2014)
- Institutions and Economic Development: Role of Bureaucracy and Experiments as Methods for Analysis and Evaluation of Reforms (project 2011-2013)
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