IIMS Doctoral Programs
1. Doctoral Programs
The Institute for Industrial and Market Studies (IIMS) offers training in the following postgraduate programs:
08.00.05 "Economics and National Economy Management (in sectors and fields such as the economics, organization and management of firms, sectors and clusters in the industrial sector)"
08.00.05 "Economics and National Economy Management (in sectors and fields such as the economics, organization and management of firms, sectors, and clusters in the service sector)"
08.00.01 «Economic theory»
2. Fields of study (research fields and specialty areas):
· Corporate governance
· Organization and behavior of firms in the manufacturing sector
· Social capital, culture and economic growth
· Industrial (sectoral) policies
· State-business relations
· Public procurements
· Incentives in the system of public administration
· Political economy of reforms in Russia and in other transition economies
Consideration for a doctoral position by the IIMS director and a prospective academic supervisor will include the applicants’ publications in the leading Russian or foreign journals, presentations at academic conferences, and any accumulated research materials on the future dissertation topic.
3. The main requirements are:
- Knowledge of economic theory, basic skills in mathematical modeling of economic processes
- Working knowledge of methods in multivariate analysis and econometrics
- Interest in working with empirical data, including survey data and interviews
- Ability to collect sectoral and regional level data from official government statistical sources and other open sources (depending on the research objective, these may include companies’ financial and annual reports, companies’ websites, news websites, public procurement portals etc.)
- Good English language skills and experience in working with scientific literature (articles in the leading journals, books) in English. Knowledge of other foreign languages will be an asset.
- Motivation for regular and intensive work on the thesis and papers right from the start of the doctoral program.
- Involvement in projects of the IIMS and the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) as a research assistant, a junior research fellow, or an independent contractor, provided that the candidate demonstrates a high level of responsibility and ability to carry out tasks assigned to him or her.
- Access to unique sets of data collected by the Institute that can be used by the doctoral student in his or her dissertation research or other approved projects.
- An environment to develop skills central to performing research as a team and data collection as part of the Institute’s project groups; the opportunity to discuss substantive and methodological issues related to the doctoral thesis with other members of the IIMS and ICSID team beyond the scientific advisor.
- Opportunity to present research results at leading international conferences and to work at IIMS/ICSID partner universities as a visiting researcher.
For further information, please, follow the link: https://aspirantura.hse.ru/en/economics/
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