Visiting Researchers Program
The Visiting Researchers Program offers researchers from all over the world to spend between four to six weeks (shorter or longer visits may also be considered) at IIMS, fully focusing on their research work. This program gives an opportunity to cooperate with IIMS staff researchers - economists, political scientists and sociologists - and participate in IIMS’s active seminar “Institutional problems of the Russian economy”. Priority is given to empirical research projects focusing on the following topics:
- Corporate governance
- Organization and behavior of firms in the manufacturing sector
- Social capital, culture and economic growth
- Industrial (sectoral) policies
- State-business relations
- Public procurements
- Incentives in the system of public administration
- Political economy of reforms in Russia and in other transition economies
Visiting Researchers Program Details
1. Timing
Visiting Researchers may start at any time during the year, subject to an agreement between each individual researcher and IIMS.
2. Duration
Normal periods of stay range from two weeks to several months.
3. Academic Status
Applicants should be currently enrolled in a MA or PhD program. Scholars who have a PhD are also welcome to apply.
4. Practical Arrangements
IIMS provides office space, computer and internet access, printing and copying services, as well as access to proprietary institute databases and HSE library resources. Visiting Researchers can present their research findings at IIMS seminars to obtain useful feedback from colleagues. Papers presented and discussed at the IIMS seminars may be published in the HSE working papers series.
5. Accommodation
IIMS can help in finding accommodation for researchers at HSE Guesthouses or hotels during their visit. Please note that HSE Guesthouse room availability depends on the timing of stay; early requests are appreciated.
6. Funding
Unfortunately, IIMS cannot provide funding to cover travel, accommodation, or other research-related expenses.
How to apply
Visiting Researchers require a review and selection process and applications are considered for approval two times a year, in March and September. Please submit your application for the deadline corresponding to the period when your desired stay will start.
- The deadline for summer/fall stays (May to October) is March 1.
- The deadline for winter/spring stays (November to April) is September 1.
Applications should be sent via e-mail to David Szakonyi ( Applicants will be notified of the institute’s decision within 2-3 weeks following the deadline they submit to.
Applications should include the following:
- A cover letter including your contact details, preferred time of visit, a short summary of the expected contribution of your visit to IIMS and an indication of potential counterparts at IIMS.
- A five-page summary of your research project that includes a more detailed plan for your visit to IIMS.
- CV with a list of relevant publications.
- For MA/PhD students: a letter of recommendation from your advisor (sent under separate cover to
A list of the scholars hosted by IIMS from 2004 could be found here.
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