Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA) organized a two-day conference for young researchers YOUNG SCHOLARS CONFERENCE 2018, dedicated to the study of Russia, at the end of July. The conference was held for the first time and turned out to be very diverse in topics. Ekaterina Borisova, ICSID Deputy Director, was among its participants. She presented her project «Generalized Trust, Preferences for Redistribution and Institutions», co-authored by Denis Ivanov and Koen Sсhoors.
Conference for young researchers is one of a series of events held in the framework of the project of The Wisconsin Russia Project, which is an initiative funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and administered by the Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA) at UW-Madison. The project builds on the already robust social science research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and brings together an array of UW-Madison academic departments, faculty, and scholars with social scientists from the Russian Federation. It is a cooperative effort to generate expanded scholarly knowledge of Russia’s economy, society, politics, culture, and institutions, train new generations of social scientists who focus on Russia, and foster close collaborations and networks between US- and Russia-based social scientists.
The project supports scholarly inquiry in five thematic areas:
- Education, labor markets, and inequality
- Law and society
- Political economy
- Identity, place, and migration
- Demographic change
"The conference turned out to be quite diverse: Russia is in the focus, but specific topics vary considerably depending on who is engaged in what research… nevertheless, there is a certain bias towards the political economy”, - notes Ekaterina Borisova.