Juraj Nemec's opinion on HSE-EACES Workshop on Public Procurement
In a short interview, we asked prof. Juraj Nemec as a member of the Program Committee of the Workshop “Public Procurement in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia” and key-note speaker about his opinion on the workshop.

— You were an invited speaker for this workshop. What was your lecture about?
The lecture "Factors Determining Efficiency of Public Procurement in Slovakia (and in Central and Eastern Europe Region)", based on long-term research of our team in Banska Bystrica, first introduced main factors determining efficiency of the Slovak public procurement system (based on inputs from our primary and secondary research). Afterwards, core factors have been discussed.
— Do you think that factors determining the efficiency of public procurement in Slovakia (and in Central and Eastern Europe Region) differ from those in Russia?
The top priority factors are (as indicated also in the title of the lecture) the same not only for Slovakia and Russia, but for all our region – too much bureaucracy, corruption (systemic corruption) and limited competition. None from our countries has capacity to manage these barriers and the result is totally inefficient procurement (in average, examples of good practice cannot overweight general trends). Such situation is very painful – if procurement is app. 15 % of GDP, than just 10 % improvement of its functioning would provide resources for example to cover public higher education expenditures.
— Because of the COVID-19 crisis, the workshop was held online. What do you think about this new format?
It is much better to be together in one room (and at social events in evening), but in the current situation on line meeting was the only and functioning choice.
— What is your overall impression of the workshop?
The combination of papers by experienced researchers and of young scientist was very good one. We were able to hear very good papers on actual procurement issues.
— Do you plan further cooperation with Russia, particularly in public procurement research?
As indicated in my bio, I am “long-term” friend of HSE, with many other contacts in Russia. Always ready to share my experience and skills. Concerning procurement, next day after the workshop we had extra on line discussion with prof. Yakovlev and his team on our future co-operation. It looks very promising.
Juraj Nemec is a Professor of Public Finance and Public Management at the Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic and at the Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. He is a member of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration, United Nations, Vice-President of the IASIA Board of Management and immediate Past-President of the NISPAcee. He serves as editor in chief of the NISPAcee Journal in Public Administration and Public Policy and a member of editorial boards of several other professional journals. His recent books are Performance-Based Budgeting in the Public Sector (2019), Alternative Service Delivery (2018), 25 Years of Public Administration Developments and Reforms in V4 region (2017), Implementation of New Public Management Tools: Experiences from transition and emerging countries (2015). Juraj Nemec is a long-time partner of High School of Economics: he serves as a member of Dissertation Council in Public Administration and he is also a member of the editorial board of “Public Administration Issues” (HSE).