Institute for Industrial and Market Studies moved from Shabolovka to 18 Myasnitskaya Street
This summer and autumn, many faculties and institutes of HSE are changing addresses. In September IIMS moved to the cluster of NRU HSE on Myasnitskaya Street. Now the center is located on 18 Myasnitskaya Street, in the former house of Mishin, one of the best examples of the Moscow Art Nouveau. The buildings on Shabolovka will now be used by the Faculty of Business and Management.
Visiting researchers: who they are?
IIMS and ICSID have been actively implementing the Visiting Researchers Program for a long time. Every year, at least ten researchers from around the world come to Moscow. Most recently, Ashley Blum, a PhD student at the University of California in Los Angeles, visited ICSID and spent almost a month and a half in Moscow. We talked to Ashley and found out what she was studying and whether she enjoyed life in the big city.
Inter-departamental expert seminar
The HSE Institute of Education and the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development held a closed expert seminar on inter-departamental cooperation and agenda-setting in the field of post-Soviet studies on June 7, 2017.