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Научный сотрудник МЦИИР ИАПР Маркес Второй Израэл выступил с докладом на регулярном семинаре Института образования НИУ ВШЭ «Актуальные исследования и разработки в области образования».

Автор представил свою работу «The Adoption of Costly VET Practices in Russia’s Regions» («Адаптация дорогостоящих практик среднего профессионального образования в российских регионах»), которая была подготовлена в результате изучения отчетов самообследования российских учебных заведений СПО за 2012-2014 годы. Выборка составила порядка 1600 колледжей и техникумов в 83 регионах РФ.

Докладчик рассказал о том, каким образом происходит взаимодействие образовательных учреждений и предприятий на региональном уровне, является ли межинституциональная колаборация традиционной или инновационной, а также какие типы взаимодествия были выявлены в ходе сравнительного анализа в различных регионах. Как оказалось, среди наиболее распространенных – прохождение практики на производстве, совместная разработка образовательных программ и участие представителей фирм в выпускных  экзаменах студентов.

Дискутантами выступили:
Илья Коршунов, главный эксперт Центра исследования среднего профессионального образования Института образования НИУ ВШЭ;
Игорь Никитин, ведущий эксперт Центра развития лидерства в образовании Института образования НИУ ВШЭ.

Аннотация: How and when are governments able to reform outdated vocational education practices and encourage the spread of institutionally complex, costly forms of public-private partnerships (PPP) in the absence of strong civil society organizations? In much of the literature on skill provision, credible commitment is the key to co-investment in skills between different firms, between capital and labor, and between the broader business community and the state. Commitments are generally achieved through the joint efforts of civil society – employers’ associations and labor unions – and the state, resulting in institutionally complex, cooperative forms of Vocational Education and Training (VET). Russia’s regions present a puzzle, however. On the one hand, institutionally complex, costly forms of PPP that require close cooperation between firms and schools have emerged and spread in many regions. On the other hand, civil society is weak in Russia and the lack of high quality institutions that can punish school officials for abrogating agreements make firms more vulnerable to losses when working with State institutions. This paper focuses on two aspects of this puzzle at the regional level. First, in which regions are costly forms of PPP likely to appear. Second, in which regions are such practices likely to spread to a large number of regional institutions. In this paper, we argue that both of these phenomena are likely to emerge in regions with strong state capacity and political accountability. The former assures firms that central, regional authorities can monitor school officials to ensure agreements are honored, while the later creates incentives for regional authorities to do so. We test these theories using unique data on PPP in VET undertaken by over 1,654 secondary vocational education schools across Russia’s regions in 2013. We find that state capacity is strongly associated with the emergence of costly forms of PPP, as are both political competition and integration of business people into regional legislatures. These findings have important implications for our understanding of skill provision in the developing world and co-investment in weakly institutionalized settings more broadly.
MRB Adoption 0617 IoE Presentation.pdf