Публикация в Problems of Post-Communism
Статья Андрея Яковлева, Льва Фрейнкмана, Сергея Макарова и Виктора Погодаева «How Do Russia’s Regions Adjust to External Shocks? Evidence from the Republic of Tatarstan» была опубликована онлайн на сайте журнала Problems of Post-Communism
Статья была подготовлена в рамках научно-исследовательского проекта "Политическая экономия развития: реакция экономических агентов на изменения институциональной среды". Она опубликована онлайн и доступна для прочтения: «How Do Russia’s Regions Adjust to External Shocks? Evidence from the Republic of Tatarstan»
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Аннотация статьи: Since 2008, tighter budget constraints have forced the Russian federal government to adjust the system governing its relations with the regions. This paper argues that more advanced Russian regions have the potential to develop a constructive response to the recent deterioration in their operational environment. This argument is based on an analysis of the experiences of coping with the external shocks that have occurred over the last 25 years in the Republic of Tatarstan. The paper identifies key factors that have helped the republic successfully tackle previous shocks, such as elite cohesion and internal consensus regarding republican developmental priorities.