Новая публикация в Russian Politics
Статья Андрея Яковлева и Антона Айсина «Friends or Foes? The Effect of Governor-Siloviki Interaction on Economic Growth in Russian Regions» была опубликована в 4 томе журнала Russian Politics (RUPO).
Статья подготовлена в рамках научно-исследовательского проекта «Политическая экономия развития: реакция экономических агентов на изменения институциональной среды».
Краткое содержание: Although many scholars have analyzed the role played by the siloviki in Russian politics, they usually focus on the presence of siloviki in the federal elite or the pressure they exerted on business. In this article, we use new data on the appointments of regional governors and the heads of regional departments of the Federal Security Service (ufsb), as well as data on regional economic growth from 2005 to 2017, to examine how decisions by the Kremlin with respect to the appointment of key regional siloviki have affected economic development in Russian regions. We find that regions where the governor-siloviki relationship has been stable over time also display higher rates of growth. We then investigate whether regional fsbheads are specifically appointed to start investigations on regional governors, but do not find a statistically significant relationship. Finally, we show how a number of newly appointed political heavyweights among Russia’s governor corps have been given their “own” silovik to support them in their region.
Яковлев Андрей Александрович
Международный центр изучения институтов и развития: Директор