Конференция SPSA 2022
14 января научный сотрудник МЦИИР Дэвид Жакони принял участие в международной конференции Southern Political Science Assoсiation.
SPSA - одна из крупнейших конференций по политологии в США, где представляют результаты исследований в основных областях политической науки.
Дэвид выступил в качестве дискуссанта на мини-конференции «Politics of Authoritarian Regimes», которая ежегодно проходит в рамках SPSA. В этом году мероприятие состоялось в онлайн-формате.
О формате «сonference-within-a-conference» и представленных докладах рассказывает Дэвид Жакони:
"Even remotely, the 2022 SPSA mini-conference on "The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes" was a grand success. An all-day affair with five panels and seventeen papers, the quality of the research presented was both top-notch and exciting. I served as a discussant on one fascinating panel on elections and voting behavior, featuring two papers from ICSID affiliates. The first by Noah Buckley, Kyle L. Marquardt, Ora John Reuter, and Katerina Tertytchnaya analyzed several different types of survey experiments to see whether support for nondemocratic leaders is conditional on public perceptions on how popular a leader is perceived to be among society. The second (by Yulia Khalikova, Olga Masyutina, Michael Rochlitz, and Koen Schoors) looked at how expectations of different types of political turnover affects citizens' personal financial and investment decisions. Both brought into play new datasets and expertly executed research designs to uncover several nuances of Russian popular opinion. Overall, this mini-conference (held every year at SPSA) should be on the must-do list for emerging scholars working on authoritarianism in any country worldwide. It consistently hosts a stellar group of scholars in a warm but constructive intellectual environment".
Жакони Дэвид Скотт
Международный центр изучения институтов и развития: Научный сотрудник