ICSID workshop for young scholars
The two-day interdisciplinary ICSID seminar "Political Economy of Development: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World" for young scholars ended on June 8.
The gathering included HSE students, as well as undergraduate and graduate researchers who are interested in the political economy of development. Senior colleagues from the ICSID and IIMS, as well as eminent scholars from the Higher School of Economics at the National Research University and affiliated institutions, participated as moderators and discussants.
In six sessions with a specific theme, workshop participants delivered 16 reports.
The papers listed below were presented at the first session titled "Quality of Governance and Development":
Kira Silvestrovich, “Efficiency, regulation and deviation from the rules in the Russian public procurement system”;
Milena Emelyanova, “Trust, Institutions and Public Procurement Performance: evidence from transitional economies”;
Albert Agalyan, “Measuring the efficiency of government support for manufacturing enterprises: evidence from Industrial Development Fund programs”;
Evgeniya Mitrokhina, “Calling and Job Satisfaction Among Russian Civil Servants”.
Alexander Kalgin and Andrey Tkachenko were the discussants.
At the session "Political rhetoric and elites” were presented the following papers:
Yağmur Kalaycı, “Conspiracy Theories as a Component of Populist Rhetoric”;
Rostislav Shilovskiy, “Неонационализм элит в регионах Западной Европы: шотландский кейс”.
Anton Kazun joined the discussion.
The session "Institutions and development: historical data" covered the following subjects:
Igor Kolesnikov, “Land titling and Industrial Development: the case of the Stolypin reform”;
Vladimir Novikov, “All power to the Soviets: Industrial Development and the October Revolution”.
The discussant was Denis Ivanov.
Papers were presented by the following during the session "Challenges for Russia and Russian Regions":
Ilya Malinovskiy, “Religiosity, trust, civic participation and attitudes towards the future in modern Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic”;
Vladimir Zabolotskiy, “Geo-Climatic Conditions in Russian Regions: A Dataset”;
Nikita Khokhlov, “Political Factors of Sub-National Responses to COVID-19 in Autocracies: Evidence from Russia”.
Andrey Tkachenko and Ekaterina Borisova joined the discussion.
Papers were presented during the session "International Affairs, Global Challenges, Collective Actions":
Valeriya Koncha, “The effects of Centralized Versus Peripheral Protest Geospatial Locations on the use of State Violence: Evidence from the Black Lives Matter Movement”;
Dmitryi Sorokin, “Санкционные режимы и торговые рынки: влияние санкций на структуру торговых партнеров таргетированных стран”.
Andrei Yakovlev was the discussant at the session.
Following works were presented at the last session "Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic":
Ksenia Vaksina, “Факторы и последствия коллективных действий российских медицинских работников в период пандемии Covid-19”;
Еkaterina Alekseeva, Daria Kareva, “Вызовы пандемии для учреждений стационарного ухода”;
Ekaterina Andreeva, “Меры социальной политики по привлечению врачей для работы на периферии: набор, проблемы исследования”.