New voices on Russia
30 января научный сотрудник МЦИИР Израэл Маркес выступил с докладом "Public-Private Partnerships and Russia's Vocational Education Revolution" в рамках цикла лекций "New Voices on Russia", организованного The Elliott School of International Affairs (США)
Аннотация доклада: In recent years, both academic and industry studies have identified the lack of qualified workers as a key challenge for countries looking to escape the middle-income trap and move up the global value chain. In the BRICS countries, 71% of firms claim that the lack of skilled workers holds back their firm. In 2012, the Russian government embarked on an experiment to allow regional governments to design their own solutions to this problem by encouraging them to develop novel educational models that incorporate industry partners into the classroom. What did these models look like, and how were regions able to coax firms into costly partnerships with schools? Dr. Marques argues that regions' success depended on the regional administration's ability to monitor agreements and enforce the terms of partnership, as well as the ability of firms to manipulate regional levers of power to encourage them to do so. The results have important implications for Russia's future international economic competitiveness as well as the success of state programs that require a highly skilled industrial workforce, such as the recent military modernization drive.
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Маркес Второй Израэл
Международный центр изучения институтов и развития: Научный сотрудник