Новая статья в International Journal of Public Administration
Статья Аманды Задориан «Practicing (State) Capitalism at Petrobras and Rosneft» была опубликована онлайн в журнале International Journal of Public Administration.
Статья входит в спецвыпуск IJPA «The Rise of State Capitalism», составленный по итогам проведенного МЦИИР семинара EACES-HSE workshop в рамках Апрельской конференции НИУ ВШЭ 2019 г. Выход спецвыпуска ожидается в этом году.
Аннотация. Why do state capitalist regimes, while aiming to increase control over the economy, introduce partial privatization and liberalization at their national oil companies (NOCs)? The article presents a case study and discourse analysis of liberalizing reforms to the management of “Health, Safety, and Environment” at the Russian and Brazilian NOCs. Employing a constructivist political economy approach emphasizing the co-constitution of state power and market power, it argues that adopting the practices of effective oil multinationals allows NOCs to represent themselves as capitalist corporations – not state bureaucracies – and thereby better fulfill their coordinating function in state-permeated market economies.
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