New article in International Journal of Public Administration
An article “Practicing (State) Capitalism at Petrobras and Rosneft” by Amanda Zadorian was published in International Journal of Public Administration.
The article is part of a special issue on “The Rise of State Capitalism”, based on the EACES-HSE Workshop at the April conference in 2019. The special issue is expected to be published later in 2021.
Abstract. Why do state capitalist regimes, while aiming to increase control over the economy, introduce partial privatization and liberalization at their national oil companies (NOCs)? The article presents a case study and discourse analysis of liberalizing reforms to the management of “Health, Safety, and Environment” at the Russian and Brazilian NOCs. Employing a constructivist political economy approach emphasizing the co-constitution of state power and market power, it argues that adopting the practices of effective oil multinationals allows NOCs to represent themselves as capitalist corporations – not state bureaucracies – and thereby better fulfill their coordinating function in state-permeated market economies.
Full article available here.