EACES-HSE Workshop, June 13, 2017, Moscow: Call for Papers
The International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) at Higher School of Economics in Moscow together with the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES) are pleased to invite submissions to the workshop: Topics in Political Economy of Development.
The workshop is a part of the 6 th Annual ICSID Conference “Political Economy of Development: Exiting the Middle Income Trap” that will take place at Higher School of Economics in Moscow on June 13-14, 2017 (information on the last year's conference here).
The conference will feature leading scholars in political economy, including Richard Doner (Emory University), Ben Ross Schneider (MIT) and Joshua Tucker (New York University) as invited speakers.
Contributions from the fields of political economy and political science are invited. We welcome submissions that adopt theoretical as well as empirical, qualitative as well as quantitative research designs and that can offer useful perspectives on recent developments and new challenges in political economy.
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
· Collective actions and public goods
· Comparative studies of governance
· Social capital, trust, and cultural norms
· Human capital and economic development
· Political elites and economic performance
· History and persistence of economic growth
Workshop working language is English. The workshop will be held in the central HSE campus at Myasnitskaya st., 20, Moscow.
To participate in the workshop, please submit a paper abstract of up to 250 words (or a draft), together with a short CV, to Professor Andrei Yakovlev to ayakovlev@hse.ru by February 20th, 2017. Applicants will be informed about the selection by March 6th, and the authors of accepted proposals are expected to submit full papers by May 15th.
The Selection Committee will include:
- Andrei Yakovlev (HSE)
- Timothy Frye (Columbia University, HSE)
- Thomas Remington (Emory University, HSE)
- Alexander Libman (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
- John Reuter (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, HSE)
- David Szakonyi (George Washington University)
- Israel Marques (HSE)
ICSID will provide you with an invitation necessary to apply for a visa at a Russian consulate of your choosing. Since invitation issue may take up to 4 weeks we would be grateful if you could apply in advance.
ICSID can also assist in finding accommodation at one of the HSE Guest Houses or hotels during your stay in Moscow. Please note that HSE Guest House room availability is not guaranteed, therefore early requests are appreciated. ICSID does not, however, cover travel or accommodation expenses.
Scholars at ICSID are currently implementing the research project “Elites, institutions and culture as factors of economic development” which is the Center’s major project for 2014-2016. The main objectives of the project are to study the incentives for strengthening regional governance, improving the quality of formal and informal institutions, and developing research on public goods provision and property rights protection. We concentrate mostly on Russia, but compare it with other countries and have started to expand our research to China.