A new article in International Journal of Public Administration
The article "Who Is Inclined to Hide the Truth: Evidence from Public Procurement" by Andrei Yakovlev, Yuliya Rodionova and Andrey Tkachenko was published online on the International Journal of Public Administration website.
The article was prepared within the framework of the research project "Efficiency of public procurement, procurement procedure, public procurement cost, price decreasing, competition, contract execution, relative productivity; competition, ownership". It is published online and available for reading: "Who Is Inclined to Hide the Truth: Evidence from Public Procurement"
The ICSID team congratulates dear colleagues on the publication!
Abstract: This paper presents a survey-based methodological approach to detect potential opportunism by counterparts who are linked with agents through contractual relations. The methodology proposes asking counterparts about attitudes toward some behaviors of agents, which are undesirable from the principal and benevolent counterpart perspective. The approach identifies the potential opportunism of counterparts based on the intensity with which they justify such behavior and provide unrealistic assessments of commonly known problems. The approach is especially important in a situation where the rules are inconsistent with reality and the principal can no longer disentangle the benevolent and opportunistic behavior of the agent. The authors test this approach by conducting a survey of procurers and suppliers of public procurement contracts in Russia.