ICSID seminar at Columbia University
Current research and preliminary results of ICSID's activities in 2011-2012 were presentaed at an open seminar in New York on September 19-21th, 2012.
Current research and preliminary results of ICSID's activities in 2011-2012 were presentaed at an open seminar in New York on September 19-21th, 2012.
The event, hosted ny the Harriman Institute at Columbia University, was planned as an opportunity to present drafts of research papers and get commets from the leading experts on the corresponding topics working in the US. Among the invited experts were Daniel Treisman (UCLA), William Pyle (Middlebury college), Michael Alexeev (Indiana University) and others.
Current research of the ICSID team on the structure and motivation system of the Russian regional elite, political and socioeconomic factors of federal transfers allocation, regional investment, workers' mobilizations and social networks in the 2011-2012 electoral campaign and on cooperation with police were discussed during the event.
On the last day of the seminar, an internal meeting on preliminary results and plans for 2013 was held.