CSID fellows at MPSA
Staff of the Center acted within one of MPSA conference sessions
On April 11 International Centre for the Study of Institutions and Development researchers participated the 71 annual conference of the Association of the Midwest Political Science, held on 11-14 April 2013 in Chicago at the Palmer House Hilton.
The Institute fellows made within "Institutions and economic outcomes in Russia and its regions" session the following reports:
N. Buckley, T. Frye – “Elections, Appointments, and Public Goods Provision: Assessing Causal Effect”
A. Govorun, I. Marques – “Choosing Channels of Influence in Hybrid Regimes: Direct and Indirect Lobbying Across the Russian Federation”
E. Nazrullaeva, A. Baranov, A. Yakovlev – “Criminal Persecution of Business in Russia’s Regions: The Role of State Violence”
D. Szakonyi, I. Marques, – “Political Machines at Work: Voter Mobilization and Electoral Subversion in the Workplace