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Companies Supported by Government More Optimistic about Investment Climate

Over the past three years, the business climate in Russia has improved for companies with a long planning horizon and for those receiving government support. State-owned companies, however, have been worse off after losing their privileges and facing a level playing field, according to Andrei Yakovlev, director of the HSE Institute for Industrial and Market Studies, Irina Levina, research fellow at the same Institute, and Anastasia Kazun, postgraduate student at the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences.

Joint Workshop on Comparative Studies of Regional Governance in China and Russia in Hong Kong

Researchers from The International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) took part at joint Workshop on Comparative Studies of Regional Governance in China and Russia with the Institute of Emerging Market at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

Congratulations, Dr. Marques!

ICSID Research Fellow Israel Marques successfully defended his doctoral dissertation "Political institutions and preferences for social policy in the post-communist world" at Columbia University on September 10, 2015.

Andrey Tkachenko Spoke at International Conference in Rome

On August 8-14 the 29th International Conference  of Agricultural Economics took place in Rome, Italy.

Publication by Andrei Yakovlev in ‘Post-Communist Economies’

The article ‘Institutional Frameworks to Support Regulatory Reform in Middle-income Economies: Lessons from Russia's Recent Experience’ by Andrei Yakovlev, Director of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development was published in the journal ‘Post-Communist Economies’.

Where Many Wests Meet Many Easts

IX World Congress of ICCEES (International Council for Central and East European Studies) was held in Makuhari, Japan, on August 3-8, 2015. The event was supported by the  Japan Council for Russian and East European Studies.

Silvaplana 2015

24th international Silvaplana Workshop in Political Economy took place in a beautiful Alpine town of Pontresina, Switzerland, on July 25-29, 2015. 

Academic achievements of the IIMS and ICSID employees

The HSE selected its best teachers and emloyees who will receive academic bonus payments in 2015.

New publication

An article "The Impacts of Different Regulatory Regimes on the Effectiveness of Public Procurement" was published online in the "International Journal of Public Administration" in July 2015. The paper was co-authored by the IIMS researchers Andrei Yakovlev, Andrei Tkachenko, Olga Demidova and Olga Balaeva.

The International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID)

Thomas Remington, Leading Research Fellow at the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID), told The HSE Look about the projects at ICSID and involvement of students into research.