Starting a postdoc in times of pandemic: interview with Milos Resimic
In 2020 Milos Resimic joined the ICSID team as a new postdoctoral fellow. We asked him to tell us more about his reasons for choosing the ICSID and the ways pandemic affected his work at the Center.

Amanda Zadorian: thoughts on ASEEES convention
51st Annual Convention of Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies was held in San Francisco (USA) at the end of November, 2019. Amanda Zadorian, ICSID research fellow, among other ICSID staff members gave a paper. We asked Amanda to give her opinion on the convention
Ora John Edward Reuter was nominated for Golden Citation Award-2019
On November 27, "Golden Citation" ceremony was held in the HSE University in order to award the most cited HSE scholars. Ora John Edward Reuter, senior research fellow of ICSID, became one of the nominee of this award
International partnership with Trinity College Dublin
Noah Buckley-Farlee, research fellow at ICSID, has been Assistant Professor at Trinity College Dublin since August 1. We interviewed him about his impressions and further plans.

The second Ghent Russia colloquium
Some of the ICSID researchers took part in The second Ghent Russia colloquium "Russia's political economy since 1992: Back to the future?" that was held at Ghent University (Belgium) on December 11-12, 2018. The topics discussed focused primarily on Russian studies.

Participation in the 10th Joint IOS/APB/EACES Summer Academy
The Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) together with EACES and the Academy for Civic Education (APB) organized their 10th Joint Summer Academy on Central and Eastern Europe. The event titled "Firm Behavior in Central and Eastern Europe: Productivity, Innovation and Trade” took place in a German town of Tutzing on June 11-13, 2018. ICSID research fellow Irina Levina presented her research project on decentralization of firms "Does firms' decentralization pay off in weak institutions setup? Decentralization and investment of Russian firms" during one of the panels.
The Politics of Inflation and the Distribution of Income in Early 1990s Russia
ICSID and NES Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions held another joint Research Seminar on Diversity and Development on May 23, 2018.

“The Life & Legacy of Douglass North” Conference
ICSID Director Andrei Yakovlev presented his paper "Mobilizing Law in Developing Countries: Some Implications from Russian ‘Limited Access Order’" at “The Life & Legacy of Douglass North” Conference that took place at George Mason University in Arlington, the USA, on March 2-3.
Pocketbook motivation in voting in Russia
Kseniya Abanokova, Junior Research Fellow at the Centre for Comprehensive Social Policy Studies (HSE), presented her current research on "Pocketbook motivation in voting in Russia" at another session of the ICSID and CSDSI Research Seminar on Diversity and Development on February 20, 2018.

Workshop “Growth and Redistribution in Limited Access Orders”
ICSID research fellows took part in a workshop “Growth and Redistribution in Limited Access Orders” that was held at Ludwig-Maximilans-University of Munich on November 24-25, 2017. The workshop was organized by Alexander Libman and Michael Rochlitz together with ICSID.