New Publication
A new article “Russia on the Path towards a New Technology-Industrial Policy: Exciting Prospects and Fatal Traps” co-authored by Boris Kuznetsov, the leading research fellow of the IIMS, was published in “Foresight”, the Journal of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Top 14. HSE’s most interesting research in 2014
Researches of the employees of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies and the International Center for Study Institution and Development were marked among the best.
ARETT Dispute Club meeting
15th January 2015 held the ARETT Dispute Club meeting «Nodes of the Economic Policy».
Victory of the employee of IIMS in the category «Best master’s/alumni’s paper 2014 in social science»
Research assistant of the International Center for Study Institutions and Development Anton Kazun won in the category «Best master’s/alumni’s paper 2014 in social science». Name of the paper: «Raider seizure in a Russian regions: indicators and factors”.
Scientific report on the International Conference
20th December Director of the Institution for Industrial and Market Studies Andrei Yakovlev and research assistant of the International Center for the Study Institutions and Development Anton Kazun took a part with report on the 10th Annual Conference Italian Society of Law and Economics in Verona, Italia.
Workshop on Institutional Analisis in Manila
Scientific fellow of the International Center of Study Institutions and Development Denis Ivanov has taken part with a report “Human Capital and Culture: How Did It Matter for Development?” in workshop in Philippines on 7-13 December.
In the Institute for Industrial and Market studies had finished a course of lections by "Methods of causal analysis"
As a part of scientific seminars «Institutional problems of Russian economics» by inviting of the International Center for Study Institutions and Development had completed a course of lectures Postdoctoral Fellow of the Department of Politics of the Princeton University James Lo, by the topic of «Methods of causal analysis».
Joint Scientific Workshop
In a joint research event of International Center for Study of Institutions and development and scientific workshop «Political Economy» NES-HSE held a lecture of Postdoctoral Fellow of the Department of Politics of the Princeton University James Lo on the topic of «Ideological Clarity in Multi-Party Competition: A New Measure and Test Using Election Manifestos»
Companies Investing in Upgrades Less Hit by Crises
Generally, Russian businesses are fairly resistant to external shocks. Many enterprises have not only survived the 2008 crisis, but have increased their market share since then. Major companies with foreign owners and those investing in restructuring and modernisation have a better chance of success, according to Boris Kuznetsov, Professor at the Department of Economic Analysis of Organizations and Markets and co-author of the study 'The impact of industrial strategies on resilience to external shocks and on the post-crisis development trends'
Why Russian Firms Need Business Lobbies
Professor William Pyle from Middlebury Collage gave a seminar about research into Russia's business lobby. In 2014, together with Finnish economist Laura Solanko, he received the National Award for Applied Economics, which was established by organizations including the HSE.