The IIMS associates participated the XIV Annual April HSE Conference
The IIIMS associates participated in several sessions of the conference
How do employees become voters
An article in the "Vedomosti" newspaper dedicated to the review of research by Timothy Fry, Ora John Reuter and David Szakonyi
The IIMS director Andrey Yakovlev delivered an inaugural lecture at the Centre for International Studies-CIS, University of Verona
The IIMS director Andrey Yakovlev delivered an inaugural lecture at the Centre for International Studies-CIS, University of Verona.
The CSI was established in 2012 and focuses on Eurasia, Mediterranean region, South America and Eastern Asia studies.
Boris Kuznetsov's Stanford lectures
IIMS senior researcher Boris Kuznetsov lectures on Russian economy at Stanford University
Andery Yakovlev's lecture in Birmingham
IIMS director gave a lecture on the topic "Is There a ‘New Deal'? State-business relations in Russia" in Birmingham
IIMS researchers Svetlana Avdasheva and Polina Kryuchkova presented their paper "Public and Private Law Enforcement under a High Risk of Type I Errors: the Russian Case" at the 8th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics (SIDE-ISLE)which took place in Rome, Italy, on December 13th-15th, 2012.
Foreign researchers in IIMS
Carlo Altavilla (Associate Professor University of Naples ''Parthenope'', Faculty of Economics, Department of Economic Studies) visit IIMS.
Foreign researchers in IIMS
In September 2012 André Schultz, a PhD student of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (Germany), joined the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies as visiting scholar.
ICSID seminar at Columbia University
Current research and preliminary results of ICSID's activities in 2011-2012 were presentaed at an open seminar in New York on September 19-21th, 2012