Have you registered for RePEc?
In the June Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) ranking, the Higher School of Economics took the lead among Russian economics institutes and centres for the first time in the ranking’s history.
Evgeny Yasin Reelected HSE Academic Supervisor, Alexander Shokhin – HSE President
At a meeting of HSE’s Academic Council on May 30, Evgeny Yasin was reelected as the university’s academic supervisor, and Alexander Shokhin — as HSE’s president.
Yaroslav Kuzminov Confirmed as HSE Rector for the Next 5 Years
On May 28, 2014 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed off the papers confirming that Yaroslav Kuzminov will remain in his role as Rector of the HSE for the next five years.
Your Chance to Pick the Brains of International Academic Journal Chief Editors at HSE Conference Session
On the 28 th May at the ‘Analytical communities in policy advisory systems at global and local level: comparative analysis of policy impact’ international conference there will be a special ‘journals’ session. The editors of four major international journals on public policy will explain how they select articles for publication and give advice on how to present your work to improve the chances of getting it published in a good journal.
Russian Universities in World Rankings
HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov Talks with Gazeta.ru on Education Reform and Russian Universities’ Problems with Inclusion in World Rankings.
Russian Lawyers Need to Lobby More
The younger a lawyer is the more cynical his attitude towards his profession. In legal circles a readiness to sacrifice ethical and moral standards for financial gain is not uncommon. A report by the HSE Institute for Industrial and Market Studies (IIMS) suggests that change requires active engagement from lawyers’ associations and regular research investigations of the legal community
IAPR staff have actively participated in the XV April International Conference "Economic and Social Development"
At the XV April International Conference "Economic and Social Development" IAPR staff acted as heads of sections and speakers.
Laura Solanko: ‘An Academic Today Cannot Help but Want to Create and Work’
As part of the XV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, a ceremony took place to award the National Prize for Applied Economics, which this year went to William Pyle and Laura Solanko for their convincing validation of Mancur Olson’s hypothesis using unique data on Russian business associations.
Dmitry Medvedev Discusses the New Challenges of Socio-Economic Policy with HSE Experts
On April 2, 2014, Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, participated in the roundtable discussion ‘Innovation and Social Policy in the New Context’ as part of the XV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.
The XV April International Conference on Economic and Social Development
The conference opens on the 1st April 2014 at the HSE with the participation of the World Bank and the IMF. The Deputy Chairman of the Conference Programme Committee Andrey Yakovlev spoke about some of the key sessions, lectures and seminars to look out for.