The Jubilee ICSID Conference
The 10th Jubilee ICSID Conference “Political Economy in a Changing World” for the second year running was successfully held online on June 7-10. This time the event was particularly big so the Conference organizers had to include extra day to accommodate all papers.
New article in "Europe-Asia Studies"
An article "A Centralist Approach to Regional Development: The Case of the Russian Ministry for the Development of the Far East" by Alexander Libman and Andrei Yakovlev was published online in the journal "Europe-Asia Studies".
The ICSID conference is getting closer
On June 7-10 the 10 th ICSID Conference will be held online. Ekaterina Borisova and John Reuter, the ICSID fellows who were responsible for the Conference organization, answered our questions about the upcoming event.

Digital Workshop “Varieties of Populism in East and West”
On May 27 the first workshop “Varieties of Populism in East and West” was held online. This workshop was organized by the Free University Berlin (FUB) and the HSE University as a part of the three year-long Alexander von Humboldt institutional partnership project. The project aims to strengthen the bonds between the universities and bring together scholars interested in studying different aspects of populism.
Starting a postdoc in times of pandemic: interview with Milos Resimic
In 2020 Milos Resimic joined the ICSID team as a new postdoctoral fellow. We asked him to tell us more about his reasons for choosing the ICSID and the ways pandemic affected his work at the Center.
Roundtable discussion "The COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia: An Institutional Aspect"
The International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) organized a roundtable discussion "The COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia: An Institutional Aspect" as a part of the XXII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.
New stage of cooperation: the HSE University and the FU Berlin
In March 2021 the HSE University and Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) were awarded an institutional partnership grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to foster cooperation between these two institutions and to involve in it a broader group of younger fellows and doctoral students. On May 27th this project will start with a digital workshop "Varieties of Populism in East and West" (deadline for submission is April 23rd; for more info about the workshop see the link at the end of the news). We interviewed Professor Dr. Katharina Bluhm, director of the Institute for East European Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, about the goals of this project and prospects of cooperation between the HSE University and the FUB.
IOS Regensburg funding support
IOS Regensburg Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies offers a funding support (from 4 to 6 months) to recent PhD graduates with their research projects. The institute invites young scholars with projects in the fields of history, economics and political science.
New publication in "Geoforum"
“Geoforum” published a new article “Governing through stolichnaya praktika: Housing renovation from Moscow to the regions" by Daniela Zupan, Vera Smirnova and the ISCID research fellow Amanda Zadorina.
New article in "Europe-Asia Studies"
A new joint article by Lauren A. McCarthy, Scott Gehlbach and the ISCID research fellows Timothy Frye and Noah Buckley "Who Reports Crime? Citizen Engagement with the Police in Russia and Georgia" was published online in the journal "Europe-Asia Studies".