SIOE 2019
ICSID team members took part in the 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics that was held in Stockholm Economic School on June 27-29, 2019.
Three Days of Constructive Feedback
David Szakonyi, Assistant Professor of Political Science from George Washington University, recently attended the 8th Annual Conference of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) held at HSE University in Moscow this June. He has spoken to HSE News service about the conference and his cooperation with HSE University.
8th International ICSID Conference «Political Economy of Redistribution and Institutional Change»
8th Annual Conference of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) «Political Economy of Redistribution and Institutional Change» took place at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow on June 13-15, 2019. Over the years the conference has turned from a small scientific event into a serious platform for discussing actual issues in the field of political economy, and has already become a tradition for many researchers to visit.
Kemal Kıvanç Aköz: "Preemptive versus Counter Offers"
The 7th session of the research seminaron Diversity and Development - 2019 was held in the HSE campus at Shabolovka on April 23.
A new article in The Journal of Politics
The article “Elections, Protest, and Trust in Government: A Natural Experiment from Russia” by Timothy Frye and Ekaterina Borisova was published online on the Journal of Politics website on April 16.

EACES workshop “The Rise of State Capitalism: consequences for economic and political development”
A workshop: “The Rise of State Capitalism: consequences for economic and political development” organized by ICSID and the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES) was held at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow on April 10-11, 2019.
Michael Rochlitz joins the University of Bremen
ICSID associate fellow Michael Rochlitz has been recently appointed Professor of Economics with the specialization “institutional change” at the University of Bremen.
ICSID new team member
Kyle Marquardt will join the Higher School of Economics in summer 2019. Kyle will have a dual affiliation at HSE: he will be an Assistant Professor in the School of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences, and at the same time he will be involved in joint research projects with the ICSID team members.
Participation in Japanese workshops
ICSID research fellow Fabian Burkhardt participated in two workshops, which were held in Japan and covered political and economic issues in Russia and Ukraine.
Andrei Yakovlev gave a comment for CBC news
The article “Why an American's arrest in Russia could set off a 'flight of foreign investors' is dedicated to the case of of 51-year-old American entrepreneur Michael Calvey, who was arrested on charges of theft of 2.5 billion rubles some time ago.