Ten Years On: Building A Global Research Hub
Today, on the 1st of February, the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) celebrates its 10th Anniversary. We asked one of the founders and leading research fellow of the Center Timothy Frye, professor at Columbia University, to tell us more about the ICSID history and its future.
Post-doctoral Fellowships
HSE has started recruitment for post-doctoral positions for the next academic year. Institute for Industrial and Market Studies (IIMS) has proposed 2 research topics for postdoctoral fellows: Public Procurement and Enterprise Competitiveness and Effectiveness.
New publication in "International Public Management Journal"
“International Public Management Journal” published online a new article “Public service motivation and sectoral employment in Russia: New perspectives on the attraction vs. socialization debate " by J. Gans-Morse, A. Kalgin, A. Klimenko, D. Vorobyev and the IIMS director A. Yakovlev.
The BRI Forum on Global Cooperation of Public Health and SMEs Innovation & Development
On November 26, the IIMS and ICSID director Andrei Yakovlev was invited to the BRI online-forum (China) on Global Cooperation of Public Health and SMEs Innovation & Development as a key-note speaker and gave a lecture "The response of Russian Firms to the Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis – the cases of IT and tourism".
New article in "Public Money & Management"
On the 21st of October an article "Public procurement transaction costs: a country-level assessment" by Olga Balaeva, Andrei Yakovlev, Yuliya Rodionova and Daniil Esaulov was published online in the "Public Money & Management"
New publication in "Voprosy Ekonomiki"
A new article by deputy director of the ICSID E. Borisova, V. Bryzgalin and research fellow of the IIMS I. Levina 'Trust and economic growth: Is there a relation?' was published in the "Voprosy Ekonomiki" (2020, 10)
New article in "International Journal of Emerging Markets"
A new article "Friendly Bureaucrats, Formal Rules, and Firms' Investment Decisions: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Russia" by IIMS and ISCID director Andrei Yakovlev and ISCID senior research fellow Denis Ivanov was accepted for publication in "International Journal of Emerging Markets".
News from our partners: the University of Bremen
Call for applications! There are 2 PhD positions at the Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), University of Bremen, Germany, within the Innovative Training Network (ITN) “Mapping Uncertainties, Challenges and Future Opportunities of Emerging Markets: Informal Barriers, Business Environments and Future Trends in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia” (MARKETS) funded by an MSCA grant of the European Union in the context of Horizon 2020

The Research Ambassador of the University of Bremen
Andrei Yakovlev, the director of IIMS and ICSID, is accepted as a Research Ambassador at the University of Bremen (Germany). He was appointed by the Rectorate of the University at the suggestion of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. Professor Yakovlev will represent the University in Russia and Eastern Europe and act as a liaison between any prospective students and researchers and the University of Bremen.
Juraj Nemec's opinion on HSE-EACES Workshop on Public Procurement
In a short interview, we asked prof. Juraj Nemec as a member of the Program Committee of the Workshop “Public Procurement in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia” and key-note speaker about his opinion on the workshop.