International partnership with Trinity College Dublin
Noah Buckley-Farlee, research fellow at ICSID, has been working as an assistant professor at Trinity College Dublin since August 1. We interviewed him about his impressions and further plans.
Workshop "Quality of Governance and the Legacy of Socialism" in Bremen
The joint workshop organized by ICSID of Institute for Industrial and Market Studies and the University of Bremen on "Quality of Governance and the Legacy of Socialism" will be held for the first time from 25 to 26 October 2019

Analytics for Management and Economics Conference 2019
Andrei Yakovlev and Yulia Rodionova took part in the Analytics for Management and Economics Conference (AMEC 2019) that was held in St. Petersburg on September 27-28, 2019.

Institute for Industrial and Market Studies moved from Shabolovka to 18 Myasnitskaya Street
This summer and autumn, many faculties and institutes of HSE are changing addresses. In September IIMS moved to the cluster of NRU HSE on Myasnitskaya Street. Now the center is located on 18 Myasnitskaya Street, in the former house of Mishin, one of the best examples of the Moscow Art Nouveau. The buildings on Shabolovka will now be used by the Faculty of Business and Management.
A new article in International Journal of Public Administration
The article "Who Is Inclined to Hide the Truth: Evidence from Public Procurement" by Andrei Yakovlev, Yuliya Rodionova and Andrey Tkachenko was published online on the International Journal of Public Administration website.
A new article in Problems of Post-Communism
The article “How Do Russia’s Regions Adjust to External Shocks? Evidence from the Republic of Tatarstan” by Andrei Yakovlev, Lev Freinkman, Sergey Makarov and Victor Pogodaev was published online on the Problems of Post-Communism website

115th American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition
The 115th annual political science conference organized by the American Political Science Association took place in Washington, D.C., from August 29 to September 1. It was traditionally attended by the ICSID IIMS researchers.
15 September - submission deadline for scholarships of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
The German Chancellor's Scholarship Fund, named after the famous naturalist, offers scientists a wide range of scholarship programs and awards ranging from 2,170 to 2,770 euros per month, individual mentorship, participation in seminars and projects.
ICSID new team member
Kyle Marquardt became an Assistant Professor in the School of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences, and ICSID research fellow.
A new article in Problems of Post-Communism
The article “Proletarian Internationalism in Action? Communist Legacies and Attitudes Towards Migrants in Russia” by Alexander Libman and Anastassia Obydenkova was published online on the Problems of Post-Communism website.